# -*- Tcl -*- package require nx package require nx::test package require nx::doc namespace import -force ::nx::* namespace import -force ::nx::doc::* nx::test configure -count 1 # # some helper # proc lcompare {a b} { foreach x $a y $b { if {$a ne $b} {return -1} } return 1 } # -- # # Source the "Document Comment" backend # package require nx::doc::dc Test case scanning { set lines { "# @package o" 1 "#@package o" 1 "bla" 0 "# @object o" 1 "# 1 2 3" 1 "#" 1 "# " 1 " # " 1 "\t#\t \t" 1 "# 345" 1 "# @tag1 part1" 1 "bla; # no comment" 0 "" 0 "\t\t" 0 "### # # # # @object o # ####" 1 "# # # # # 345" 1 "# # # @tag1 part1" 1 "bla; # # # # # no comment" 0 " " 0 } set ::prj [@project new -name _PROJECT_] foreach {::line ::result} $lines { ? {lassign [$::prj analyze_line $::line] is_comment text; set is_comment} $::result "processor analyze_line '$::line'" } set script { # @package o # 1 2 3 bla bla # @object o # 1 2 3 # # 345 # @tag1 part1 # @tag2 part2 bla; # no comment bla bla bla ### # # # # @object o # #### # 1 2 3 # # # # # # 345 # # # @tag1 part1 # @tag2 part2 bla; # # # # # no comment } set blocks {1 {{ @package o} { 1 2 3}} 5 {{ @object o} { 1 2 3} {} { 345} { @tag1 part1} { @tag2 part2}} 17 {{ @object o # ####} { 1 2 3} {} { 345} { @tag1 part1} { @tag2 part2}}} ? [list ::lcompare [$::prj comment_blocks $script] $blocks] 1 } Test case parsing { set ::prj [@project new -name _PROJECT_] namespace import -force ::nx::doc::CommentBlockParser # # TODO: Add tests for doc-parsing state machine. # set block { {@command ::cc} } set ::cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $::cbp status ? COMPLETED] 1 set block { {} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? COMPLETED] 0 ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 # # For now, a valid comment block must start with a non-space line # (i.e., a tag or text line, depending on the section: context # vs. description) # set block { {} {@command ::cc} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 set block { {command ::cc} {} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 set block { {@command ::cc} {some description} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 set block { {@command ::cc} {} {} {} {@see ::o} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 0 ? [list $cbp status ? COMPLETED] 1 set block { {@command ::cc} {} {some description} {some description2} {} {} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 0 # Note: We do allow description blocks with intermediate space # lines, for now. set block { {@command ::cc} {} {some description} {some description2} {} {an erroreneous description line, for now} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 0 # # TODO: Do not enforce space line between the context and immediate # part block (when description is skipped)? # # OR: For absolutely object::qualifying parts (e.g., outside of an initblock), # do we need sequences of _two_ (or more) tag lines, e.g. # # -- # @object Foo # @param attr1 # -- # # THEN, we can only discriminate between the context and an # immediate part section by requiring a space line! # # Alternatively, we can use the @see like syntax for object::qualifying: # @param ::Foo#attr1 (I have a preference for this option). set block { {@command ::cc} {@see someOtherEntity} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 # # TODO: Disallow space lines between parts? Check back with Javadoc spec. # set block { {@command ::cc} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity} {add a line of description} {} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} {} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 # # TODO: Should we enforce a mandatory space line between description and part block? # set block { {@command ::cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {a third line of description} {@see entity3} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 set block { {@command ::cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {a third line of description} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} {} {} {an erroreneous description line, for now} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 set block { {@command ::cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {} {a third line of description} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 0 set block { {@object ::cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} {@xyz SomeOtherEntity2} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? INVALIDTAG] 1 set block { {@class ::cc} {} {add a line of description} {a second line of description} {} {@see SomeOtherEntity2} {@xyz SomeOtherEntity2} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? INVALIDTAG] 1 # # TODO: Where shall we allow the @author tag?! Re-activate # later, if necessary ... # if {0} { # # testing the doc object construction # set block { {@object ::o} {} {some more text} {and another line for the description} {} {@author stefan.sobernig@wu.ac.at} {@author gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? COMPLETED] 1 set entity [$cbp current_entity] ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@object] 1 ? [list $entity @author] "stefan.sobernig@wu.ac.at gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at"; ? [list $entity as_text] "some more text and another line for the description"; } set block { {@command ::c} {} {some text on the command} {} {@see ::o} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? COMPLETED] 1 set entity [$cbp current_entity] ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@command] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "some text on the command"; ? [list $entity @see] "::o"; set block { {@class ::C} {} {some text on the class entity} {} {@class-property attr1 Here! we check whether we can get a valid description block} {for text spanning multiple lines} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? COMPLETED] 1 set entity [$cbp current_entity] ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@class] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "some text on the class entity"; ? [list llength [$entity @property]] 1 ? [list [$entity @property] info has type ::nx::doc::@param] 1 ? [list [$entity @property] as_text] "Here! we check whether we can get a valid description block for text spanning multiple lines" } if {0} { Test case in-situ-basics { # # basic test for in-situ documentation (initblock) # # set script { package req nx namespace import -force ::nx::Class Class create ::Foo { # The class Foo defines the behavior for all Foo objects # # @author gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at # @author ssoberni@wu.ac.at # @.property attr1 # # This property 1 is wonderful # # @see ::nx::VariableSlot # @see ::nx::MetaSlot :property attr1 :property attr2 :property attr3 # @.method foo # # This describes the foo method # # @parameter a Provides a first value # @parameter b Provides a second value :method foo {a b} {;} } } # set prj [processor process -sandboxed -type eval $script] set prj [@project new -name _PROJECT_] set entity [@class id ::Foo] ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@class] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "The class Foo defines the behavior for all Foo objects"; ? [list $entity @author] "gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at ssoberni@wu.ac.at" # TODO: Fix the [@param id] programming scheme to allow (a) for # entities to be passed and the (b) documented structures set entity [@property id [@class id ::Foo] class attr1] ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 ? [list $entity @see] "::nx::VariableSlot ::nx::MetaSlot"; set entity [@method id ::Foo class foo] ? [list [@class id ::Foo] @method] $entity ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@method] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "This describes the foo method"; foreach p [$entity @parameter] expected { "Provides a first value" "Provides a second value" } { ? [list expr [list [$p as_text] eq $expected]] 1; } $prj destroy } # TODO: how to realize scanning and parsing for mixed ex- and # in-situ documentation? That is, how to differentiate between # absolutely and relatively qualified comment blocks in line-based # scanning phase (or later)? Test case mixed-mode-parsing { set script { package req nx namespace import -force ::nx::* # @class ::Bar # # The class Bar defines the behavior for all Bar objects # # @author gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at # @author ssoberni@wu.ac.at # @class.property {::Bar attr1} # # This property 1 is wonderful # # @see ::nx::VariableSlot # @see ::nx::MetaSlot # @class.class-method {::Bar foo} # # # This describes the foo method # # @parameter a Provides a first value # @parameter b Provides a second value # @class.object-method {::Bar foo} # # This describes the per-object foo method # # @parameter a Provides a first value # @parameter b Provides a second value namespace eval ::ns1 { ::nx::Object create ooo } Class create Bar { :property attr1 :property attr2 :property attr3 # @.method foo # # This describes the foo method in the initblock # # @parameter a Provides a first value # @parameter b Provides a second value :public method foo {a b} { # This describes the foo method in the method body # # @parameter a Provides a first value (refined) } :public class method foo {a b c} { # This describes the per-object foo method in the method body # # @parameter b Provides a second value (refined) # @parameter c Provides a third value (first time) } } } set prj [processor process -sandboxed -type eval $script] set entity [@class id ::Bar] ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@class] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "The class Bar defines the behavior for all Bar objects"; ? [list $entity @author] "gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at ssoberni@wu.ac.at" # TODO: Fix the [@param id] programming scheme to allow (a) for # entities to be passed and the (b) documented structures set entity [@property id [@class id ::Bar] class attr1] ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 ? [list $entity @see] "::nx::VariableSlot ::nx::MetaSlot"; set entity [@method id ::Bar class foo] ? [list [@class id ::Bar] @method] $entity ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@method] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "This describes the foo method in the method body"; foreach p [$entity @parameter] expected { "Provides a first value (refined)" "Provides a second value" } { ? [list expr [list [$p as_text] eq $expected]] 1; } set entity [@method id ::Bar object foo] ? [list [@class id ::Bar] @class-object-method] $entity ? [list ::nsf::is object $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@method] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "This describes the per-object foo method in the method body"; foreach p [$entity @parameter] expected { "Provides a first value" "Provides a second value (refined)" "Provides a third value (first time)" } { ? [list expr [list [$p as_text] eq $expected]] 1; } $prj destroy } Test case tag-notations-basics { # # Some tests on structured/navigatable tag notations # # adding support for parsing levels # -- @class.object.object {::D o1 o2} set block { {@..object o2 We have a tag notation sensitive to the parsing level} } set entity [[@ @class ::D] @object o1] set cbp [CommentBlockParser process -parsing_level 1 -partof_entity $entity $block] ? [list $cbp status ? LEVELMISMATCH] 1 set cbp [CommentBlockParser process -parsing_level 2 -partof_entity $entity $block] ? [list $cbp status ? COMPLETED] 1 set entity [$cbp current_entity] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@object] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "We have a tag notation sensitive to the parsing level" set block { {@..object {o2 o3} We still look for balanced specs} } set entity [[@ @class ::D] @object o1] set cbp [CommentBlockParser process -parsing_level 2 -partof_entity $entity $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 # This fails because we do not allow uninitialized/non-existing # entity objects (@object o) along the resolution path ... set block { {@class.object.property {::C o attr1} We have an invalid specification} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? INVALIDTAG] 1 # ? [list $cbp message] "The tag 'object' is not supported for the entity type '@class'" set block { {@class.method.property attr1 We have an imbalanced specification (the names are underspecified!)} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 ? [list $cbp message] "Imbalanced tag line spec: 'class method property' vs. 'attr1'" # For now, we do not verify and use a fixed scope of permissive tag # names. So, punctuation errors or typos are most probably reported # as imbalanced specs. In the mid-term run, this should rather # become an INVALIDTAG condition. set block { {@cla.ss.method.parameter {::C foo p1} We mistyped a tag fragment} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? STYLEVIOLATION] 1 ? [list $cbp message] "Imbalanced tag line spec: 'cla ss method parameter' vs. '::C foo p1'" set block { {@cla,ss.method.parameter {::C foo p1} We mistyped a tag fragment} } set cbp [CommentBlockParser process $block] ? [list $cbp status ? INVALIDTAG] 1 ? [list $cbp message] "The entity type '@cla,ss' is not available." } Test case tag-notations-extended { set script { # @class ::C # # The global description of ::C # # @property attr1 Here we can only provide a description block for object parameters # @class.object-method {::C sub} # # For now, we have to declare a family of sub methods explicitly # (allows for providing some overview, shared description) # @class.property {::C attr1} Here, we could also write '@class.class-property \{::C attr1\}', @property is a mere forwarder! In the context section, only one-liners are allowed! # @class.object.property {::C foo p1} A short description is ... # # .. is overruled by a long one ... # If addressing to a nested object, one strategy would be to use # @object and provide the object identifier (which reflects the # nesting, e.g. ::C::foo). However, we cannot distinguish between # namespace qualifiers denoting an object, class or owning # namespace! # # ISSUE: If specifying an axis ".object", we would have to define # a part property @object on @class and @object. However, @object # would be ambiguous now: It could be called in a freestanding # (absolute) manner AND in a contextualised manner (in an init # block). In the latter case, it would fail because we would have # to provide a FQ'ed name (which defeats the purpose of a nested = # contextualised notation). # # SO: for now, we introduce a part property child-object (and # child-class?) to discrimate between the two situations ... # # TODO: How to register this so created @object entity as nested # object with the doc entity represented the parent object? Class create C { # This is the initblock description of ::C which overwrites the # global description (see above) # @.property attr1 # # This is equivalent to writing "@class-property attr1" :property attr1 { # This description does not apply to the object parameter # "attr1" owned by the ::C class, rather it is a description # of the property slot object! How should we deal with this # situation? Should this level overwrite the top-level and # initblock descriptions? } # @.class-object-property attr2 Carries a short desc only :class property attr2 # @.method foo # # @parameter p1 set fooHandle [:public method foo {p1} { # Here goes some method-body-level description # # @parameter p1 The most specific level! return [current method]-$p1-[current] }] # @.object-method bar # # Before referring to its parts, an entity must exist; so # declare eagerly ... # @.class-object-method.parameter {bar p1} # # This extended form allows one to describe a method parameter with all # its structural features! set barHandle [:public class method bar {p1} { return [current method]-$p1-[current] }] # @.object foo 'foo' needs to be defined before referencing any of its parts! # @.object.property {foo p1} # # The first element in the name list is resolved into a fully # qualified (absolute) entity, based on the object owning the # initblock! Object create [current]::foo { # Adding a line for the first time (not processed in the initblock phase!) # @..property p1 # # This is equivalent to stating "@class-object-property p1" :property p1 } # @.class Foo X # # By providing a fully-qualified identifier ("::Foo") you leave the # context of the initblock-owning object, i.e. you would NOT refer to # a nested class object named "Foo" anymore! # @.class.property {Foo p1} # # This is equivalent to stating "@child-class.class-property {Foo p1}" # @.class.class-object-property {Foo p2} Y Class create [current]::Foo { # @..property p1 # # # This is equivalent to stating "@class-property p1"; or # '@class.object.property {::C Foo p1}' from the top-level. :property p1 # @..class-object-property p2 :class property p2 } # @.class-object-method.sub-method {sub foo} # # ISSUE: Should submethods be navigatable through "method" (i.e., # "@method.method.method ...") or "submethod" (i.e., # "@method.submethod.submethod ...")? ISSUE: Should it be sub* with # "-" (to correspond to "@class-object-method", "@class-method")? Also, we # could allow both (@sub-method is the property name, @method is a # forwarder in the context of an owning @method object!) # # @parameter p1 Some words on p1 :class alias "sub foo" $fooHandle # @.method sub # # The desc of the ensemble object 'sub' # # @sub-method bar Only description available here ... # ISSUE: Should the helper object "sub" be documentable in its own # right? This would be feasible with the dotted notation from # within and outside the init block, e.g. "@object sub" or # "@class.object {::C sub}" # # ISSUE: Is it correct to say the sub appears as per-object method # and so do its submethods? Or is it misleading to document it that # way? Having an "@class-object-submethod" would not make much sense to # me?! :alias "sub bar" $barHandle # @.class-object-method sub A brief desc # @.class-object-method {"sub foo2"} # # could allow both (@sub-method is the property name, @method is a # forwarder in the context of an owning @method object!) # # @parameter p1 Some words on p1 # @see anotherentity # @author ss@thinkersfoot.net :class alias "sub foo2" $fooHandle } } # # 1) process the top-level comments (PARSING LEVEL 0) # processor readin $script # --testing-- "@class ::C" set entity [@class id ::C] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@class] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "The global description of ::C"; # --testing-- "@class.property {::C attr1}" set entity [@property id $entity class attr1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "Here, we could also write '@class.class-property {::C attr1}', @property is a mere forwarder! In the context section, only one-liners are allowed!" # --testing-- "@class.object.property {::C foo p1} A short description is ..." # set entity [@property id $entity class attr1] # set entity [@object id -partof_name ::C -scope child foo] # ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 # ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@object] 1 # ? [list $entity as_text] "" # set entity [@property id $entity object p1] # ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 # ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 # ? [list $entity as_text] ".. is overruled by a long one ..." set entity [@object id ::C::foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 set entity [@property id $entity class p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 # ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 # ? [list $entity as_text] ".. is overruled by a long one ..." # --testing-- @class-object-property attr2 (its non-existence) set entity [@property id [@class id ::C] object attr2] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 # --testing-- @child-class Foo (its non-existence) set entity [@class id ::C::Foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 # --testing -- @method foo (its non-existence) set entity [@method id ::C class foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 # --testing-- @class-object-method.parameter {bar p1} (its non-existence) set entity [@parameter id [@method id ::C class bar] "" p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 # --testing-- @child-object.property {foo p1} (its non-existence) set cl [@class id ::C::Foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 set entity [@property id $cl class p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 set entity [@property id $cl object p2] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 # # 2) process the initblock comments (PARSING LEVEL 1) # puts stderr -----CMD------ ::nsf::configure keepcmds true eval $script ::nsf::configure keepcmds false lassign [processor readin \ -parsing_level 1 \ -docstring \ -tag @class \ -name ::C \ [::C eval {set :__cmd(__initblock)}]] _ processed_entities # a) existing, but modified ... set entity [@class id ::C] ? $_ $entity ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@class] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "This is the initblock description of ::C which overwrites the global description (see above)" set entity [@property id $entity class attr1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] {This is equivalent to writing "@class-property attr1"} set entity [@object id ::C::foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@object] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "'foo' needs to be defined before referencing any of its parts!"; # still empty! set entity [@property id $entity object p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "The first element in the name list is resolved into a fully qualified (absolute) entity, based on the object owning the initblock!" # b) newly added ... # --testing-- @class-object-property attr2 set entity [@property id [@class id ::C] object attr2] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "Carries a short desc only"; # --testing-- @child-class Foo # TODO: provide a check against fully-qualified names in part specifications set entity [@class id ::C::Foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@class] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] {By providing a fully-qualified identifier ("::Foo") you leave the context of the initblock owning object, i.e. you would NOT refer to a nested class object named "Foo" anymore!} set entity [@property id [@class id ::C] class p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0; # should be 0 at this stage! # --testing -- @method foo set entity [@method id ::C class foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "" # --testing-- @class-object-method.parameter {bar p1} (its non-existence) It # still cannot exist as a documented entity, as the class method # has not been initialized before! set entity [@parameter id [@method id ::C class bar] "" p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 0 # --testing-- @child-class.property {foo p1} (its non-existence) # --testing-- @child-class.object-property {foo p2} (its non-existence) set cl [@class id ::C::Foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $cl] 1 set entity [@property id $cl class p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] {This is equivalent to stating "@child-class.class-property {Foo p1}"} set entity [@property id $cl object p2] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "Y" set entity [@method id ::C class sub] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "The desc of the ensemble object 'sub'" set entity [@method id ::C class sub::bar] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "Only description available here ..." set entity [@method id ::C object sub] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "A brief desc" set entity [@method id ::C object sub::foo2] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@method] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "could allow both (@sub-method is the property name, @method is a forwarder in the context of an owning @method object!)" ? [list $entity @see] "anotherentity" # TODO: @author not supported for @method (fine so?) # ? [list $entity @author] "ss@thinkersfoot" set entity [@parameter id $entity "" p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "Some words on p1" # # 3a) process the property initblocks and method bodies (PARSING LEVEL 2)! # set project [@project new -name "_%@"] $project sandbox [Sandbox new] processor process=@class $project [@class id ::C] # methods ... set entity [@method id ::C class foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "Here goes some method-body-level description" set entity [@parameter id [@method id ::C class foo] "" p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "The most specific level!" # attributes ... # attr1 set entity [@property id [@class id ::C] class attr1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] {This description does not apply to the object parameter "attr1" owned by the ::C class, rather it is a description of the property slot object! How should we deal with this situation? Should this level overwrite the top-level and initblock descriptions?} # # 3b) nested objects/ classes (PARSING LEVEL 2)! # processor readin \ -docstring \ -parsing_level 2 \ -tag @object \ -name ::C::foo \ [::C::foo eval {set :__cmd(__initblock)}] processor process=@object $project [@object id ::C::foo] set entity [@object id ::C::foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@object] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "Adding a line for the first time (not processed in the initblock phase!)"; # still empty! set entity [@property id $entity object p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity info has type ::nx::doc::@property] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] {This is equivalent to stating "@class-object-property p1"} processor readin \ -docstring \ -parsing_level 2 \ -tag @class \ -name ::C::Foo \ [::C::Foo eval {set :__cmd(__initblock)}] processor process=@class $project [@class id ::C::Foo] set cl [@class id ::C::Foo] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $cl] 1 set entity [@property id $cl class p1] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] {This is equivalent to stating "@class-property p1"; or '@class.object.property {::C Foo p1}' from the top-level.} set entity [@property id $cl object p2] ? [list ::nsf::object::exists $entity] 1 ? [list $entity as_text] "" # # basic testing of "properties" (switch attributes) # ? [list $cl eval {set :@deprecated}] 0 ? [list $cl eval {set :@stashed}] 0 ? [list $cl eval {set :@c-implemented}] 0 ? [list $cl @deprecated] 1 ? [list $cl @stashed] 1 ? [list $cl @c-implemented] 1 ? [list $cl eval {set :@deprecated}] 1 ? [list $cl eval {set :@stashed}] 1 ? [list $cl eval {set :@c-implemented}] 1 set entity [@method id ::C class foo] ? [list $entity eval {set :@syshook}] 0 ? [list $entity @syshook] 1 ? [list $entity eval {set :@syshook}] 1 ? [list $entity @syshook 0] {wrong # args: should be "get obj prop"} ? [list $entity eval {set :@syshook 0}] 0 ? [list $entity @syshook] 1 } Test case switch-parts { set script { package req nx namespace import ::nx::* Class create Enil { # The class Enil defines the behavior for all Enil objects, # however, it is deprecated and will be removed from the # provided doc entities in the next iteration ... # # @author ssoberni@wu.ac.at # @deprecated # @.property attr1 # # This property 1 will be invisible in the generated doc # # @stashed :property attr1 # @.method foo # # This describes the foo method which is called from within the # nx-enabled Tcl engine # # @syshook :public method foo {a b} {;} :public method baz {} { # This method entity sets a couple of properties in series ... # # @property c-implemented syshook } } } set prj [processor process -sandboxed -type eval $script] set cl [@class id ::Enil] ? [list $cl eval {set :@deprecated}] 1 ? [list $cl @deprecated] 1 ? [list $cl eval {set :@c-implemented}] 0 ? [list $cl eval {set :@stashed}] 0 ? [list $cl @author] ssoberni@wu.ac.at set entity [@property id $cl class attr1] ? [list $entity eval {set :@deprecated}] 0 ? [list $entity eval {set :@stashed}] 1 ? [list $entity @stashed] 1 ? [list $entity eval {set :@c-implemented}] 0 set entity [@method id ::Enil class foo] ? [list $entity eval {set :@deprecated}] 0 ? [list $entity eval {set :@stashed}] 0 ? [list $entity eval {set :@c-implemented}] 0 ? [list $entity eval {set :@syshook}] 1 ? [list $entity @syshook] 1 set entity [@method id ::Enil class baz] ? [list $entity eval {set :@deprecated}] 0 ? [list $entity eval {set :@stashed}] 0 ? [list $entity eval {set :@c-implemented}] 1 ? [list $entity @c-implemented] 1 ? [list $entity eval {set :@syshook}] 1 ? [list $entity @syshook] 1 } } # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: