Announcing XOTcl 1.3.6 ********************** WHAT IS XOTCL? XOTcl is an object-oriented extension of Tcl that was derived from OTcl. In short, XOTcl tries to provide a highly flexible, reflective, component-based, and object-oriented environment. It integrates language support for high-level concepts which are not found in other languages, with reasonable performance. It prevails the Tcl programming style and the dynamic/introspective nature of the language, rather than introducing other language's styles and rigidness (such as C++) into Tcl. Major changes relative to 1.3.5 are: * Improved Functionality + new info subcommand: info precedence + simplified meta class definitions: every class can be changed into a metaclass by adding an instmixin of Class (or one of its subclasses) to it. In order to define that every class should be a metaclass, one can use now Object instmixin Class instead of the rather complicated solution i posted on the xotcl mailing list not long ago. * Improved code quality: + fixed possible crashes when - objects are called with class methods (e.g. due to instmixins) - when instmixins are defined recursively (e.g. Class instmixin Class) - objects are turned into classes by changing the class relationship + improved namespace resolution when mixin classes are defined in namespaces (::xotcl:: namespace is skipped, since a helper method that calls the primitive setting command is defined there) + fixed passing of error code from init methods (thanks to Fabrice Pardo for noting it) + returning PACKAGE_VERSION after a package require (e.g. 'package req XOTcl' returns now 1.3.6) + some code refactoring, fixed erroneous documentation of c code + improved documentation For more details about the changes, please consult the ChangeLog and documentation. MORE INFO General and more detailed information about XOTcl and its components can be found at Best regards, Gustaf Neumann Uwe Zdun