#!../../xotcl-0.9.4/xotclsh # $Id: xocomm.test,v 1.1 2004/05/23 22:50:39 neumann Exp $ package require XOTcl; namespace import -force xotcl::* lappend auto_path [file dirname [info script]]/.. package require xotcl::test @ @File { description { This is a webclient used as a regression test. When it is started it launches an xotcl-Web server as partner process. It tests currently the basic functionality of: } } array set opt {-startServer 1} array set opt $argv set xotclsh [info nameofexecutable] set dir [file dir [info script]] set serverScript $dir/../apps/comm/webserver.xotcl set startCmd "$xotclsh $serverScript -root $dir/../doc -pkgdir $dir/.." if {$opt(-startServer)} { set PIPE [open "| $startCmd"] } else { puts $startCmd } #package require package; package verbose 1 package require xotcl::comm::httpAccess package require xotcl::comm::ftp package require xotcl::trace set hostport localhost:8086 set protectedhostport localhost:9096 set slowURL "http://quote.yahoo.com/q?s=^DJI&d=1d" set ftpURL "ftp://mohegan.wi-inf.uni-essen.de/welcome.msg" proc printError msg {puts stderr !!!$msg!!!} Object userPwd userPwd proc user {u} { my set user $u if {[set ::tcl_platform(platform)] == "windows"} { my set user unknown } } userPwd proc show {realm userVar pwVar} { upvar $userVar u $pwVar pw set u [my set user] set pw test return 1 } Test parameter {{errorReport { puts "\tcontent-length: \[r0::sink set contentLength\]\n\ \tstatus-code: \[\[r0 set token\] set responseCode\]" }}} Test new -msg "Trying to load image logo-100.jpg ... " -count 1 \ -setResult {expr {[r0::sink set contentLength] == 1706}} \ -cmd [list SimpleRequest r0 -url http://$hostport/logo-100.jpg] \ Test new -msg "Trying to PUT a file on web-server ... " -count 1 \ -setResult {expr [[r0 set token] set responseCode] == 201} \ -pre [list file delete -force $dir/../doc/junk.junk] \ -cmd [list SimpleRequest r0 \ -url http://$hostport/junk.junk \ -method PUT \ -data "this is a test\n" \ -contentType plain/text] Test new -msg "And download it again ... " -count 1 \ -setResult {expr [r0 getContentLength] == 15} \ -post {file delete -force ../doc/junk.junk} \ -cmd [list SimpleRequest r0 -url http://$hostport/junk.junk] Test new -msg "Get protected resource ... " -count 1 \ -setResult {expr [r0 getContentLength] > 500} \ -cmd [list SimpleRequest r0 -url http://$protectedhostport/ ] #Test new -msg "Try an FTP request $ftpURL ... " -count 1 \ -setResult {expr [r0 getContentLength] > 100} \ -cmd [list SimpleRequest r0 -url $ftpURL] #Test new -msg "Try timeout with slow URL $slowURL ... " -count 1 \ -setResult {expr {[[r0 set token] set errormsg] == {timeout exceeded}}} \ -cmd [list SimpleRequest r0 -url $slowURL -timeout 100] Test new -msg terminate -count 1 \ -setResult {set x 1} \ -cmd [list SimpleRequest r0 -url http://$protectedhostport/exit] \ -post exit after 1000 {Test run} catch {vwait forever}