# -*- Tcl -*- package req nx::test proc traceStderr args { puts ">>> traceStderr HA! $args" } nx::test case hidden-cmds { global i # # Create a slave interp for testing # set i [interp create] # # Some baseline # $i eval { proc foo {} {;} } $i hide foo ? {$i eval [list info commands ::nx::Object]} "" $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval [list package req nx] ? {$i eval [list info commands ::nx::Object]} ::nx::Object # # Tcl's hiding mechanism only applies to objects/classes in the # top-level namespace. So any non-globally namespaced ones and # nested objects are not concerned ... # $i eval {nx::Object create ::o { :public object method baz {} { return KO } :public object method destroy {} { # # sets a global variable for tracing the processing of the # app-level destructor! # set ::[namespace tail [current object]] [current class] next } }} $i eval {nx::Class create ::C { :public method destroy {} { # # sets a global variable for tracing the processing of the # app-level destructor! # set ::[namespace tail [current object]] [current class] next } :public method bar {} { return OK } }} $i eval {nx::Class create ::M { :public method foo {} { return [current object]-[:info class]-[current class] } }} ? {$i eval {info commands ::o}} ::o ? {$i eval {info commands ::C}} ::C ? {$i eval {info commands ::M}} ::M # # [interp hide] performs a partial and widely silent deletion # (Tcl_HideCommand(); note, while the idea resembles that of a # non-deleting rename, there is no C-level trace available!). The # object's Tcl_command cmdEpoch counter is increased. However, # hiding does not prune the command structure, nor does is the cmd's # client data touched. It is merely re-assigned to another, # interp-wide hash table. The object's command is no valid dispatch # target anymore ... # ? {interp hidden $i} "foo" $i hide o ? {interp hidden $i} "foo o" ? {$i eval ::o} "invalid command name \"::o\"" ? {$i eval {info commands ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {::C create ::c}} ::c # set some relationships to test later ... ? {interp eval $i {::C mixins add ::M}} ::M ? {interp eval $i {::C object mixins add ::M}} ::M $i hide C ? {interp eval $i {::C create ::c2}} {invalid command name "::C"} # # However, the object structure is effectively preserved within the # object system and object relations are intact, e.g., the object is # still reported as an instance of a class. # ? {$i eval {nx::Object info instances ::o}} "::o" ? {interp invokehidden $i o ::nsf::methods::object::info::class} "::nx::Object" ? {interp invokehidden $i o info class} "::nx::Object" ? {interp eval $i {c info class}} ::C ? {interp invokehidden $i C info instances ::c} ::c ? {interp invokehidden $i C info mixins} ::M # Note, for all introspections that do *not* try to convert the # Tcl_Obj into an object or a class, but treat it as a pattern (or # the like) we are fine ... ? {$i eval {M info mixinof ::C}} "::C ::C" ? {$i eval {M info mixinof -scope class ::C}} "::C" ? {$i eval {M info mixinof -scope object ::C}} "::C" # dispatch to object-provided method (with the object being hidden) ? {interp eval $i {c bar}} OK # dispatch to class-provided methods (with the class being hidden) ? {interp eval $i {c bar}} OK # dispatch to mixed-in methods (which do basic introspection on the hidden object) ... ? {interp invokehidden $i C foo} ::C-::nx::Class-::M ? {interp eval $i {c foo}} ::c-::C-::M # # 1) Implicit destruction (through NSF's exit handler) # # An important characteristic of a hidden cmd is that it is cleaned # up later than ordinary, exposed (and namespaced) commands; see # DeleteInterpProc(). Hidden commands are processed during a interp # shutdown *after* the exit handler returned! # # For testing, we shutdown the NSF object systems in our slave # interp by using nsf::finalize; to do some smoke testing of the # cleanup results. As for the cleanup procedre, this is equivalent # to: interp delete $i $i eval {nsf::finalize -keepvars} # The destructor of e.g. object o sets a global variable with the # object name. The following test checks therefore, whether the # destructor was executed. # ? {$i eval { info exists ::o }} 1 ? {$i eval {interp hidden}} foo ? {$i eval {info commands ::o}} "" ? {$i eval {info commands ::C}} "" # # Were the app-level destructors called effectively? # ? {$i eval { info exists ::o }} 1 ? {$i eval { set ::o }} "" ? {$i eval { info exists ::c }} 1 ? {$i eval { set ::c }} ::C interp delete $i } # # Explicit destruction # nx::test case hidden-cmds+explicit-delete { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create ::o2 { :public object method destroy {} { next return ok } }} ? {$i eval {interp hidden}} "" ? {$i eval {info commands ::o2}} ::o2 ? {$i eval {nx::Object info instances ::o2}} ::o2 ? {$i eval {nsf::object::exists ::o2}} 1 $i hide o2 ? {$i eval {interp hidden}} o2 ? {$i eval {info commands ::o2}} "" ? {$i eval {nx::Object info instances ::o2}} ::o2 ? {$i eval {nsf::object::exists ::o2}} 0 ? {interp invokehidden $i o2 destroy} "ok" ? {$i eval {interp hidden}} "" ? {$i eval {nx::Object info instances ::o2}} "" ? {$i eval {info commands ::o2}} "" ? {$i eval {nsf::object::exists ::o2}} 0 } # # hide and re-expose # nx::test case hide-and-re-expose { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create ::o { :public object method destroy {} { incr ::[namespace tail [current]] return OK } :public object method foo {} { return [list [current object] [current class] [:info class] [[current] info class]] } } interp hide {} o } # Check hidden state ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "o" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::o}} ::o ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::o}} 0 interp expose $i o # Check re-exposed state ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "::o" ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::o}} ::o ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::o}} 1 # # Is the object "alive"? # ? {$i eval {::o foo}} {::o {} ::nx::Object ::nx::Object} $i eval {nsf::finalize -keepvars} # Was the destructor called? ? {interp eval $i {info exists ::o}} 1 ? {interp eval $i {set ::o}} 1 # Check cleaned-up state ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "" interp delete $i } # # hide/re-expose with "command renaming" # nx::test case command-renaming { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create ::o { :public object method destroy {} { incr ::[namespace tail [current]] return OK } :public object method foo {} { catch {[current] info class} msg return [list [current object] [current class] [:info class] $msg] } } interp hide {} o O } # Check hidden state -> object command renamed ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "O" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::o}} ::o ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::o}} 0 ? {interp invokehidden $i O foo} \ {::o {} ::nx::Object {invalid command name "::o"}} interp expose $i O OO ? {interp eval $i {OO foo}} \ {::o {} ::nx::Object {invalid command name "::o"}} ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::OO}} ::OO ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::o}} ::o ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::OO}} ::o ;# should be ""? ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::o}} 0 ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::OO}} 1 $i eval {nsf::finalize -keepvars} # Was the destructor called? ? {interp eval $i {info exists ::o}} 1 ? {interp eval $i {set ::o}} 1 ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} {} ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} {} interp delete $i } # # Rename namespaced object to global one and hide ... # nx::test case namespaced-object { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx namespace eval ::ns1 { nx::Object create o { :public object method destroy {} { incr ::[namespace tail [current]] return OK } } } } ? {$i hide ::ns1::o} \ {cannot use namespace qualifiers in hidden command token (rename)} $i eval {::rename ::ns1::o ::X} ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} {} ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::X}} {::X} ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::X}} {::X} ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::X}} 1 $i eval {interp hide {} X} ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "X" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::X}} {} ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::X}} {::X} ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::X}} 0 $i eval {nsf::finalize -keepvars} ? {interp eval $i {info exists ::X}} 1 ? {interp eval $i {set ::X}} 1 interp delete $i } # # Deletion order # nx::test case deletion-order { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create ::o { :public object method destroy {} { incr ::[namespace tail [current]] interp invokehidden {} C destroy next } } nx::Class create ::C { :public object method destroy {} { incr ::[namespace tail [current]] next } } } $i hide o $i hide C $i eval {nsf::finalize -keepvars} ? {interp eval $i {info exists ::C}} 1 ? {interp eval $i {set ::C}} 1 ? {interp eval $i {info exists ::o}} 1 ? {interp eval $i {set ::o}} 1 interp delete $i } # # Some stumbling blocks in destructors: [error] in app-level destroy # nx::test case error-in-destroy-1 { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create ::o { :public object method destroy {} { error BAFF! } } interp hide {} o } ? {interp eval $i {::rename ::o ""}} \ {can't delete "::o": command doesn't exist} ? {interp invokehidden $i o destroy} "BAFF!" ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "o" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::o}} "::o" ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::o}} 0 $i eval {nsf::finalize} ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "" interp delete $i } # # Some stumbling blocks in destructors: [interp hide] in app-level # destroy # nx::test case error-in-destroy-2 { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx proc ::bar {} { interp hide {} bar; return 1 } nx::Object create ::o { :public object method destroy {} { # # Would not be an issue in safe interps, as [interp hide] & # friends are disallowed ... # set res [catch {interp hide {} o} msg] # # TODO: a simple, uncaught 'interp hide {} o' leads to a lookup issue # and weird error handling; however, the cleanup is not # affected ... # next return OK } } } ? {interp eval $i {::bar}} 1 ? {interp eval $i {::o destroy}} OK ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "bar" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::o}} 0 interp delete $i } # # Some stumbling blocks in destructors: [interp hide] in app-level destroy # nx::test case error-in-destroy-3 { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create ::o { :public object method destroy {} { catch {::rename [current] ""} msg next return $msg } } interp hide {} o } ? {interp eval $i {::o destroy}} {invalid command name "::o"} ? {interp invokehidden $i o destroy} \ {can't delete "::o": command doesn't exist} ? {interp eval $i {interp hidden}} "" ? {interp eval $i {nx::Object info instances ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {info commands ::o}} "" ? {interp eval $i {nsf::object::exists ::o}} 0 interp delete $i } # # see NsfProcAliasMethod(): # Tcl_Command_cmdEpoch(tcd->aliasedCmd) # nx::test case hidden-procs-as-aliases { # # 1) hide alias proc targets # global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx ::proc ::FOO args {return OK} nx::Object create o { :public object alias foo ::FOO } } ? {$i eval {o foo}} OK ? {$i hidden} "" $i hide FOO ? {$i hidden} FOO # # For now, we do not allow one to dispatch to hidden proc targets # through their method aliases as this would counteract the idea of # hiding cmds from a (safe) slave interp. As the NSF aliasing works # unrestrictedly in child (safe) interps (as opposed to [interp # invokehidden]), this would derail the essentials of the hiding # mechanism. # ? {$i eval {o foo}} {target "::FOO" of alias foo apparently disappeared} # # When exposing it again (e.g., from the master interp), we can # dispatch again; note this is currently limited to the exposing # under the original command name (!) # $i expose FOO ? {$i hidden} "" ? {$i eval {o foo}} OK $i hide FOO ? {$i hidden} FOO # # Limitation: Currently, exposing a hidden target command under a # *different* name will not re-establish the alias. This is due to # the way NsfProcAliasMethod() is currently implemented: Rebinding # an epoched cmd (which holds for renamed as well as # hidden/re-exposed cmds) is currently based on the command name # stored in the ::nsf::alias array. This metadata store is not # maintained during [interp hide|expose] operations. Using a # pointer-based (reverse) lookup based on tcd->aliasedCmd would be # possible (I did it testwise), but then we would have to revise the # current behaviour of NsfProcAliasMethod() for target proc # renamings also. A non-deleting [rename] currently also interrupts # an alias binding. See the relevant tests on [rename ::foo ::foo2] # in tests/alias.test. To be consistent, and because [interp # hide|expose] is a two-step [rename], technically, we keep the # current behaviour. # $i expose FOO OOF ? {$i hidden} "" ? {$i eval {o foo}} {target "::FOO" of alias foo apparently disappeared} # # Due to the alias-specific lookup scheme (::nsf::alias), we could fix # the alias manually after a command-renaming hide|expose operation: # ? {$i eval {info exists ::nsf::alias(::o,foo,1)}} 1 ? {$i eval {set ::nsf::alias(::o,foo,1)}} "::FOO" ? {$i eval {set ::nsf::alias(::o,foo,1) ::OOF}} "::OOF" ? {$i eval {info commands ::OOF}} ::OOF ? {$i eval {o foo}} OK interp delete $i unset i } nx::test case hidden-objects-as-aliases { # # 2) hide alias object targets # global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create x { :public object method foo {} {return OK} } nx::Object create dongo { :public object alias bar ::x } } # # Objects as intermediary aliases are transparent when being # hidden|exposed; hiding and exposing them (under differing command # names) do not affect the dispatch behaviour; this is due to the # ensemble dispatch strategy ... # ? {$i hidden} "" ? {$i eval {dongo bar foo}} OK $i hide x ? {$i hidden} x #? {$i eval {dongo bar foo}} OK ? {$i eval {dongo bar foo}} {target "::x" of alias bar apparently disappeared} ? {$i eval {x foo}} {invalid command name "x"} ? {$i invokehidden x foo} OK $i expose x ? {$i hidden} "" ? {$i eval {dongo bar foo}} OK ? {$i eval {x foo}} OK $i hide x X ? {$i hidden} X #? {$i eval {dongo bar foo}} OK ? {$i eval {dongo bar foo}} {target "::x" of alias bar apparently disappeared} ? {$i eval {X foo}} {invalid command name "X"} ? {$i invokehidden X foo} OK $i expose X XX ? {$i hidden} "" #? {$i eval {dongo bar foo}} OK ? {$i eval {dongo bar foo}} {target "::x" of alias bar apparently disappeared} ? {$i eval {XX foo}} OK # # Hiding of leaf methods (e.g., ::o::foo) is not an issue because # hiding|exposing is limited to global commands # ? {$i hide ::o::foo} "cannot use namespace qualifiers in hidden command token (rename)" interp delete $i unset i } # # MixinSearchProc() # nx::test case hidden-mixins-procsearch { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create x { :public object method foo {} {return OK} } nx::Class create M { :public method foo {} { return <[current class]>[next]<[current class]> } } x object mixins set M } ? {$i eval {x foo}} <::M>OK<::M> # # Hiding M as a command should not affect *existing* mixin # relations! # $i hide M ? {$i hidden} M ? {$i eval {x foo}} <::M>OK<::M> "with hidden mixin" $i expose M ? {$i hidden} "" ? {$i eval {x foo}} <::M>OK<::M> "with re-exposed mixin" $i hide M m ? {$i eval {x foo}} <::M>OK<::M> "with hidden mixin (renamed command)" $i expose m MM ? {$i eval {x foo}} <::M>OK<::M> "with re-exposed mixin (renamed command)" # # However, modifying mixin axes is hindered, because of # the underlying relation machinery (::nsf::relation, # RelationSlot->add(), etc.) is relying on exposed command names # (i.e., command and object look-ups based on # Tcl_GetCommandFromToken(), GetObjectFromString() usage). # $i hide MM M $i eval {nx::Class create ::M2} ? {$i eval {x object mixins add M2}} {mixin: expected a class as mixin but got "::M"} ? {$i invokehidden M mixins add M2} {expected object but got "::M" for parameter "object"} interp delete $i unset i } # # MixinComputeOrderFullList() & friends (due to # CmdListRemoveDeleted() # nx::test case hidden-mixins-mixinlists { global i set i [interp create] $i eval [list set ::auto_path $::auto_path] $i eval { package req nx nx::Object create o nx::Class create M1 nx::Class create M2 nx::Class create M3 o object mixins set {M1 M2} } ? {$i eval {o info precedence}} "::M1 ::M2 ::nx::Object" ? {$i eval {o info object mixins}} {::M1 ::M2} ? {$i hidden} "" $i hide M1 ? {$i hidden} M1 $i eval {M2 mixins add M3} ? {$i eval {o info precedence}} "::M1 ::M3 ::M2 ::nx::Object" # # Now, have the mixin list invalidated; The next time we request the list, # the mixin assembly machinery will have to deal with the hidden # mixin; and properly include it. # # We need to destroy one mixin explicitly (or add one as a per-class # mixin, or the like), as the mixin modification API would stumble # over the hidden mixin object ... # $i eval {::M2 destroy} ? {$i eval {o info precedence}} "::M1 ::nx::Object" ? {$i eval {o info object mixins}} "::M1" ? {$i invokehidden M1 info mixinof} "::o" interp delete $i unset i } nx::test case nsf-interp-basics { global i set i [::nsf::interp create] ? {$i eval {info commands ::nsf::is}} "::nsf::is" ? {interp issafe $i} 0 ? {::nsf::interp create zzz} "zzz" set i [::nsf::interp create -safe] ? {$i eval {info commands ::nsf::is}} "::nsf::is" ? {interp issafe $i} 1 } # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: