# $Id: WebObject.xotcl,v 1.3 2005/09/09 21:09:01 neumann Exp $ package provide xotcl::actiweb::webObject 0.8 package require xotcl::actiweb::sendStrategy package require xotcl::mixinStrategy package require xotcl::store::persistence package require XOTcl namespace eval ::xotcl::actiweb::webObject { namespace import ::xotcl::* # # base interface for all web-entitites # Class WebObject -parameter { {exportedProcs {echo default}} agentInfo {contentType ""} {place ""} } # # default send strategy == send the response from the place # WebObject instproc init args { #my showCall my mixinStrategy ::Send=PlainString my registerPlace my mixinStrategy ::Persistent=Eager my persistenceMgr [my place]::agentPersistenceMgr next } WebObject instproc registerPlace {} { my set place [Place getInstance] my set agentInfo [[my place]::agentMgr register [my selfName]] } WebObject instproc deregisterPlace {} { [my place]::agentMgr deregister [my selfName] } # # seek for the HTTP worker object that has invoked # the current call # WebObject instproc getWorker {} { for {set level 1} {1} {incr level} { if {[catch {set worker [uplevel $level self]}]} { return "" } elseif {[$worker istype Place::HttpdWrk]} { return $worker } } } WebObject instproc getFormData {} { [my getWorker] formData } # # code a call for an action on self; # action is "proc args" # WebObject instproc selfAction {action} { return [url encodeItem "[string trimleft [self] :] $action"] } WebObject instproc action {o action} { return [url encodeItem "[string trimleft $o :] $action"] } WebObject instproc echo {} { return [self] } WebObject instproc error args { return "Error on [self]: Invocation '$args' failed." } WebObject instproc default {} { return "No default behaviour on [self]." } WebObject instproc exportProcs args { my instvar exportedProcs foreach a $args { if {[lsearch $exportedProcs $a] == -1} { lappend exportedProcs $a } } } WebObject instproc isExportedProc p { expr {[lsearch [my set exportedProcs] $p] != -1} } WebObject instproc selfName {} { return [string trimleft [self] :] } WebObject instproc objName {obj} { return [string trimleft $obj :] } WebObject instproc buildAdress {} { my instvar place set a http://[$place host] if {[set p [$place port]]} { append a :$p } } WebObject instproc destroy args { my deregisterPlace next } # # simple class, to be inherited before WebObject, if # every remote method should reach the object # Class ExportAll ExportAll instproc isExportedProc p { return 1 } namespace export WebObject ExportAll } namespace import ::xotcl::actiweb::webObject::*