# -*- Tcl -*- # # Exploratory tests on run-time assertion checking (RAC) # # stefan.sobernig@wu.ac.at # # Conceptual baseline is the Eiffel Spec (ECMA Standard 367, 2nd ed., # 2006) # # see # https://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-367.pdf # package require nx::test nx::Class create Sensor { :property -accessor public {value:integer 1} } set invar [list {[regexp {^[0-9]$} ${:value}] == 1}] ::nsf::method::assertion Sensor class-invar $invar ? {::nsf::method::assertion Sensor class-invar} $invar # # Minimal object interface to ::nsf::method::assertion # # # TODO: This should not be ::nx::VariableSlot below, but # ::nx::ObjectParameterSlot mixes alias + slotset. # ::nx::VariableSlot create ::nx::Object::slot::object-invariant { :public object method get {obj prop} { ::nsf::method::assertion $obj object-invar } :public object method assign {obj prop value} { ::nsf::method::assertion $obj object-invar $value } } ::nx::VariableSlot create ::nx::Class::slot::invariant { :public object method get {cls prop} { ::nsf::method::assertion $cls class-invar } :public object method assign {cls prop value} { ::nsf::method::assertion $cls class-invar $value } } ? {Sensor cget -invariant} $invar ? {::nsf::method::assertion Sensor class-invar} $invar ? {Sensor configure -invariant ""} "" ? {Sensor cget -invariant} "" ? {::nsf::method::assertion Sensor class-invar} "" ? {Sensor configure -invariant $invar} "" ? {Sensor cget -invariant} $invar ? {::nsf::method::assertion Sensor class-invar} $invar Sensor create s1 ? {s1 cget -object-invariant} "" ? {s1 configure -object-invariant $invar} "" ? {s1 cget -object-invariant} $invar ? {s1 configure -object-invariant ""} "" # # TODO: re-position -pre-condition, to appear before the method # body. This would ease reading. # # # TODO: Why is there a firm requirement to provide a post-condition, # when defining a pre-condition (they are non-positional # parameters in NX)? # # --> because of XOTcl2 legacy interface? # i.e.: precondition:optional postcondition:optional # Sensor public method incrValue {} { incr :value } -precondition { {[set ::ARGS [nsf::current args]] eq "run {bar 1 2 3}"} {# pre-condition:} {${:value} > 0} } -postcondition { {[puts stderr POST=${:value}] eq ""} {# post-condition:} {${:value} > 1} } proc bar args { s1 incrValue } # # TODO: How to activate, deactivate RAC per object? Re-introduce check() method? # # s1 check pre ::nsf::method::assertion s1 check pre ? {bar 1 2 3} "2" # # TODO: ::nsf::current jumps the call stack, picks an arbitrary call # frame if the context provides for it. # ? {info exists ::ARGS} 1 ? {set ::ARGS} "run {bar 1 2 3}" # # TODO: Improve formatting of assertion messages, to make distinction # clear between assertion and underlying error. # catch {s1 incrValue} ::msg ? {set ::msg} {error in Assertion: {[set ::ARGS [nsf::current args]] eq "run {bar 1 2 3}"} in proc 'incrValue' can't find proc} ? {s1 value -1} -1 ? {s1 value 10} 10 ? {s1 value 1} 1 # s1 check all ::nsf::method::assertion s1 check all # # TODO: When INVAR assertions fail (upon entering an operation), the # object state is still modified effectively. Why? # # INVAR ? {s1 value -1} {assertion failed check: {[regexp {^[0-9]$} ${:value}] == 1} in proc 'value'} # s1 check {} ::nsf::method::assertion s1 check {} ? {s1 value} -1 # s1 check all ::nsf::method::assertion s1 check all ? {s1 value 10} {assertion failed check: {[regexp {^[0-9]$} ${:value}] == 1} in proc 'value'} # s1 check {} ::nsf::method::assertion s1 check {} ? {s1 value} 10 # PRE # s1 check pre ::nsf::method::assertion s1 check pre Sensor public method incrValue2 {} { incr :value } -precondition { {# pre-condition:} {${:value} == -1} } -postcondition {} ? {s1 incrValue2} {assertion failed check: {${:value} == -1} in proc 'incrValue2'} # # OK: old value (value before PRE RAC) is preserved # ? {s1 value} 10 # # What is the order when evaluating PRE/POST and INVAR assertions? # # ACTUAL: . -> PRE -> INVAR -> (BODY) -> POST -> INVAR -> . # # TODO: EXPTECTED (ECMA-367 §8.23.26): # . -> INVAR -> PRE -> (BODY) -> INVAR -> POST -> . # set ::YYY [list] # s1 check all ::nsf::method::assertion s1 check all # # TODO: using [:*] calls within assertions distorts error # reporting (the * call frame is reported as error context -> proc # name = "lappend" in the examples below etc.) # Sensor configure -invariant { {[llength [lappend ::YYY "INVAR"]]} } Sensor public method incrValue2 {} { lappend ::YYY "BODY" ::nsf::method::assertion [self] check {} set r [incr :value] ::nsf::method::assertion [self] check all return $r } -precondition { {# pre-condition:} {[llength [lappend ::YYY "PRE"]]} } -postcondition { {# post-condition:} {[llength [lappend ::YYY "POST"]]} } ? {s1 incrValue2} 11 ? {set ::YYY} "PRE INVAR BODY POST INVAR" # # Are class invariants evaluated after instance creation? # see ECMA-367 §7.5 # set ::YYY [list] nx::Class create Account -invariant { {[llength [lappend ::YYY "Account"]]} {# sufficient_balance: } {${:balance} >= ${:minimumBalance}} } { :property -accessor public balance:integer :property -accessor public minimumBalance:integer :method init args { set :balance 9 set :minimumBalance 10 } } # # TODO: Irgh! a1 is effectively an invalid instance, class invars # should have been checked after create(); this is also inconvenient, # because once checking has been activated, the assertions are # reported as violated ... without directly blaming the creation # operation --> relevant for paper! # Account create a1 ? {a1 balance} 9 ? {a1 minimumBalance} 10 # a1 check instinvar ::nsf::method::assertion a1 check class-invar # # TODO: Should the default dispatch also trigger INVAR checks? # # - Against: ECMA semantics refer to qualified feature calls, with # the default method not being an externally visible feature, at # least in XOTcl. # # - In favor: In NX, however, it can be refined though not publicly # available (or?) Also, a convenient way to ask whether an object is # in a valid state ... # ? {a1} "::a1" ? {a1 balance} {assertion failed check: {${:balance} >= ${:minimumBalance}} in proc 'balance'} # # TODO: What about pre- and post-conditions for create() and/or # init(). This adds to the above ... # # - They should be evaluated upon creation (before an explicit "/inst/ # check pre|post" # # - How to specify them? a) There is no custom create() defined for # classes (only meta-classes) -> some pre|post notation for # configure? b) init() is not necessarily defined for a class ... # # - the assertion-checking semantics are different from ordinary method calls: # PRE (BODY) POST INVAR (no INVAR checking before PRE!) # # # How does the super/subclass relationship relate to ... # # - invariants? -(ECMA)-> include parent clauses: AND joining, # with parent clauses taking precedence # (in reverse linearization order; see # ECMA-367 §8.10.2) # set ::YYY [list] nx::Class create SavingsAccount -superclass Account -invariant { {[llength [lappend ::YYY [:info class]]]} {# minimum_deposit: } {${:minimumBalance} > 110} } SavingsAccount create sa1 ? {sa1 balance 99} 99 ? {sa1 minimumBalance 101} 101 # sa1 check instinvar ::nsf::method::assertion sa1 check class-invar # Should be: assertion labelled 'sufficient_balance' should be checked # before 'minimum_deposit' # # i.e.: # ? {sa1 balance} {assertion failed check: {[my balance] >= [my minimumBalance]} in proc 'balance'} # # TODO: inverse order of resolution of class INVARs # ? {sa1 balance} {assertion failed check: {${:minimumBalance} > 110} in proc 'balance'} ? {set ::YYY} "::SavingsAccount" # sa1 check {} # a1 check {} ::nsf::method::assertion a1 check {} ::nsf::method::assertion sa1 check {} # - pre-conditions? -(ECMA)-> require else (OR) ... weakening: OR # joining with parent clauses taking # precedence in reverse linearization # order (see ECMA-367 $8.10.5) # # (pre_1 or ... or pre_n) or else pre Account property -accessor public depositTransactions:integer Account public method deposit {sum:integer} { incr :depositTransactions incr :balance $sum } -precondition { {[llength [current class]]} {# trap :} {0} } -postcondition { {${:depositTransactions} > 1} } SavingsAccount public method deposit {sum:integer} { next } -precondition { {# max_deposits :} {${:depositTransactions} < 3} } -postcondition {} SavingsAccount create sa2 sa2 depositTransactions 2 # sa2 check pre ::nsf::method::assertion sa2 check pre # EXPECTED: trap OR max_deposits ? {sa2 deposit 50} {assertion failed check: {0} in proc 'deposit'}; # SHOULD ACTUALLY PASS because max_deposits is okay! ? {sa2 depositTransactions 3} 3 ? {sa2 deposit 60} {assertion failed check: {${:depositTransactions} < 3} in proc 'deposit'}; # FAILS because of max_deposits, but evaluation order should be inverse: ACCOUNT -> SAVINGSACCOUNT. # -- # TODO: Are method contracts enforced in shadowing methods, even without [next]? nx::Class create S { :public method foo {} { [:info class] eval [list lappend :TRACE "[current class]-[current proc]"] } -precondition { {[llength [[:info class] eval [list lappend :TRACE "::S-foo-PRE"]]]} } -postcondition { {[llength [[:info class] eval [list lappend :TRACE "::S-foo-POST"]]]} } } nx::Class create T -superclass S { :public method foo {} { [:info class] eval [list lappend :TRACE "[current class]-[current proc]"] # next; # invariants of super only fired when [next] is provided :/ } } T create t1; # -check all ::nsf::method::assertion t1 check all t1 foo ? {T eval {set :TRACE}} "::T-foo"; # SHOULD BE "::T-foo ::S-foo-PRE ::S-foo ::S-foo-POST", even without [next] # # - post-conditions? -(ECMA)-> ensure then (AND) ... strengthening: # in a convenience view, AND joining, # with parent clauses taking precedence # in reverse linearization order (see # ECMA-367 $8.10.5). More precisely, # parent posts only required iff # pre-conditions over the pre-state # (old) hold. # # (old pre_1 implies post_1) # and ... and # (old pre_n implies post_n) # and then post # T eval {unset :TRACE} nx::Class create T -superclass S { :public method foo {} { [:info class] eval [list lappend :TRACE "[current class]-[current proc]"] next } -precondition {} -postcondition { {[llength [[:info class] eval {lappend :TRACE "::T-foo-POST"}]]} } } T create t1; # -check post ::nsf::method::assertion t1 check post t1 foo ? {T eval {set :TRACE}} "::T-foo ::S-foo ::S-foo-POST ::T-foo-POST"; # SHOULD BE: ::T-foo ::S-foo ::S-foo-POST ::T-foo-POST ... seems OK, but only because next induces a correct order. T eval {unset :TRACE} # without [next] nx::Class create T -superclass S { :public method foo {} { [:info class] eval [list lappend :TRACE "[current class]-[current proc]"] # next } -precondition {} -postcondition { {[llength [[:info class] eval {lappend :TRACE "::T-foo-POST"}]]} } } T create t2 ::nsf::method::assertion t2 check post t2 foo ? {T eval {set :TRACE}} "::T-foo ::T-foo-POST"; # SHOULD BE: ::T-foo ::S-foo-POST ::T-foo-POST, even without [next] # # TODO: Provide access to method arguments in assertion expressions. # # TODO: Parameter checks should be performed before PRE (and before # INVAR) checks (see ECMA-367, §...) # # nx::Class create S { # :public method bar {p:integer} { # } -precondition { # {$p > -1} # } # } # # OK: Are assertions fired through the colon resolver (:/var/) and # upon cget/configure? # nx::Class create Z -invariant { {[::nsf::is integer ${:v}]} } { :property -accessor public {v 1} :create ::z1 } ? {z1 v 1} 1 ::nsf::method::assertion z1 check class-invar # # TODO: Why "in proc 'v'"? ... this is misleading, at least for an INVAR. # ? {z1 v "XXX"} {assertion failed check: {[::nsf::is integer ${:v}]} in proc 'v'} ? {z1 eval {set :v "XXX"}} {assertion failed check: {[::nsf::is integer ${:v}]} in proc 'eval'} ? {z1 configure -v "XXX"} {assertion failed check: {[::nsf::is integer ${:v}]} in proc 'configure'} # # TODO: v should still be 1, but is already 'XXX' (see above) # ::nsf::method::assertion z1 check {} ? {z1 v} XXX; # Why not '1'? ::nsf::method::assertion z1 check class-invar # ::nsf::method::assertion z1 check {} # ? {z1 v XXX} XXX # ::nsf::method::assertion z1 check class-invar ? {z1 cget -v} {assertion failed check: {[::nsf::is integer ${:v}]} in proc 'cget'} ::nsf::method::assertion z1 check {} # # Local variables: # mode: tcl # tcl-indent-level: 2 # indent-tabs-mode: nil # End: