# -*- Tcl -*-
package require nx
package require nx::test

set ::tcl86 [package vsatisfies [package req Tcl] 8.6]

# trivial object delegation
nx::test case delegation {
  nx::Object create dog
  nx::Object create tail {
    :public object method wag args { return $args }
    :public object method nxwag args { return $args }
  dog public object forward wag tail %proc
  dog public object forward nxwag tail %method

  ? {dog wag 100} 100
  ? {dog nxwag 100} 100

# evaluating in scope
nx::test case inscope {
  nx::Class create X {
    :property {x 1}
    :public forward Incr -frame object incr

  X create x1 -x 100
  x1 Incr x
  x1 Incr x
  x1 Incr x
  ? {x1 cget -x} 103

# adding
nx::test case adding {
  nx::Object create obj {
    :public object forward addOne expr 1 +

  ? {obj addOne 5} 6

# more arguments
nx::test case multiple-args {
  nx::Object create target {
    :public object method foo args {return $args}
  nx::Object create obj {
    :public object forward foo target %proc %self a1 a2

  ? {obj foo x1 x2} [list ::obj a1 a2 x1 x2]

  obj public object forward foo target %proc %self %%self %%p
  ? {obj foo x1 x2} [list ::obj %self %p x1 x2]

# mixin example
nx::test case mixin-via-forward {
  nx::Object create mixins {
    :object method unknown {m args} {return [concat [current] $m $args]}

  nx::Object create obj {
    :public object forward Mixin mixins %1 %self

  ? {obj Mixin add M1} [list ::mixins add ::obj M1]
  ? {catch {obj Mixin}} 1

  obj public object forward Mixin mixins "%1 {Getter Setter}" %self
  ? {obj Mixin add M1} [list ::mixins add ::obj M1]
  ? {obj Mixin M1} [list ::mixins Setter ::obj M1]
  ? {obj Mixin} [list ::mixins Getter ::obj]

# sketching extensibe info
nx::test case info-via-forward {
  nx::Object create Info {
    :public object method @mixin {o} {
      $o info mixin
    :public object method @class {o} { ;# without prefix, doing here a [Info class] wod be wrong
      $o info class
    :public object method @help {o} { ;# define a new subcommand for info
      foreach c [:info object methods] {lappend result [string range $c 1 end]}
      return $result
  nx::Object public forward Info -prefix @ Info %1 %self

  nx::Class create X {
    :create x1
  ? {x1 Info class} ::X
  ? {x1 Info help} [list help mixin class]

# variations of placement of options
nx::test case incr {
  nx::Object create obj {
    set :x 1
    :public object forward i1 -frame object incr x

  ? {obj i1} 2

# introspeciton options
nx::test case introspection {
  nx::Class create C {
    :public forward Info -prefix @ Info %1 %self

  ? {C info methods -type forwarder} Info
  C public forward XXXo x
  ? {lsort [C info methods -type forwarder]} [list Info XXXo]

  ? {C info methods -type forwarder X*} [list XXXo]
  ? {lsort [C info methods -type forwarder *o]} [list Info XXXo]

  # delete the forwarder
  C method XXXo {} {}
  ? {C info methods -type forwarder} [list Info]

  # get the definition of a instforwarder
  ? {C info method definition Info} [list ::C public forward Info -prefix @ Info %1 %self]

  # check introspection for objects
  nx::Object create obj {
    :public object forward i1 -frame object incr x
    :public object forward Mixin mixin %1 %self
    :public object forward foo target %proc %self %%self %%p
    :public object forward addOne expr 1 +

  ? {lsort [obj info object methods -type forwarder]} "Mixin addOne foo i1"
  ? {obj info object method definition Mixin} "::obj public object forward Mixin mixin %1 %self"
  ? {obj info object method definition addOne} "::obj public object forward addOne expr 1 +"
  ? {obj info object method definition foo} "::obj public object forward foo target %proc %self %%self %%p"
  ? {obj info object method definition i1} "::obj public object forward i1 -frame object ::incr x"

# test serializer
package require nx::serializer
nx::test case serializer {
  nx::Object create obj {
    :object method test {} {puts "i am [current method]"}
  set ::a [Serializer deepSerialize obj]
  #puts <<$::a>>
  eval $::a
  ? {set ::a} [Serializer deepSerialize obj]

# test optional target cmd
nx::test case optional-target {
  nx::Object create obj {
    set :x 2
    :public object forward append -frame object
  ? {obj append x y z} 2yz

  nx::Object create n; nx::Object create n::x {:public object method current {} {current}}
  nx::Object create o
  o public object forward ::n::x
  ? {o x current} ::n::x

# arg including instvar
nx::test case percent-cmd {
  nx::Object create obj {
    set :x 10
    :public object forward x* expr {%:eval {set :x}} *
  ? {obj x* 10} "100"

# positional arguments
nx::test case positioning-args {
  nx::Object create obj
  obj public object forward @end-13 list {%@end 13}
  ? {obj @end-13 1 2 3 } [list 1 2 3 13]

  obj public object forward @-1-13 list {%@-1 13}
  ? {obj @-1-13 1 2 3 } [list 1 2 13 3]

  obj public object forward @1-13 list {%@1 13}
  ? {obj @1-13 1 2 3 } [list 13 1 2 3]
  ? {obj @1-13} [list 13]

  obj public object forward @2-13 list {%@2 13}
  ? {obj @2-13 1 2 3 } [list 1 13 2 3]

  obj public object forward @list 10 {%@0 list} {%@end 99}
  ? {obj @list} [list 10 99]
  ? {obj @list a b c} [list 10 a b c 99]

  obj public object forward @list {%@end 99} {%@0 list} 10
  ? {obj @list} [list 10 99]
  ? {obj @list a b c} [list 10 a b c 99]

  obj public object forward @list {%@2 2} {%@1 1} {%@0 list}
  ? {obj @list} [list 1 2]
  ? {obj @list a b c} [list 1 2 a b c]

  obj public object forward @list x y z {%@0 list} {%@1 1} {%@2 2}
  ? {obj @list} [list 1 2 x y z]
  ? {obj @list a b c} [list 1 2 x y z a b c]

  obj public object forward @list x y z {%@2 2} {%@1 1} {%@0 list}
  ? {obj @list} [list x 1 y 2 z]
  ? {obj @list a b c} [list x 1 y 2 z a b c]

  # adding some test cases which cover the interactions
  # between %@POS and %1 substitutions

  obj public object forward @end-13 list {%@end 13} %1 %self
  ? {obj @end-13 1 2 3 } [list 1 ::obj 2 3 13]

  obj public object forward @end-13 list %1 {%@end 13} %self
  ? {obj @end-13 1 2 3 } [list 1 ::obj 2 3 13]

  obj public object forward @end-13 list {%@end 13} %1 %1 %1 %self
  ? {obj @end-13 1 2 3 } [list 1 1 1 ::obj 2 3 13]

  obj public object forward @end-13 list {%@-1 13} %1 %self
  ? {obj @end-13 1 2 3 } [list 1 ::obj 2 13 3]

  obj public object forward @end-13 list {%@1 13} %1 %self
  ? {obj @end-13 1 2 3 } [list 13 1 ::obj 2 3]

nx::test case forwarder-basics {

  nx::Object create obj

  ## Particular role of first forwarder arg: (fully-qualified) target
  ## & methodName in one (provides shortcut notation)

  ? {obj info object methods foo} ""
  obj public object forward ::ns1::foo
  ? {obj info object methods foo} "foo"
  if {$::tcl86} {
    ? {obj foo X} {TCL LOOKUP COMMAND ::ns1::foo} "invalid target command"
  } else {
    ? {obj foo X} {invalid command name "::ns1::foo"} "invalid target command"
  namespace eval ::ns1 {proc foo {p} {return $p}}
  ? {obj foo X} "X"
  obj public object forward ::ns1::foo %method %method
  ? {namespace eval ::ns1 { ::obj foo }} "foo"

  # make sure, old-style arguments don't get moved into argument
  # delegatee cmd (called target)
  ? {obj public object forward x1 -methodprefix @ -verbose %self X} \
      "target '-methodprefix' must not start with a dash"
  ? {obj public object forward x2 -prefix @ -verbose %self X} \
  ? {obj x2 a b c} "::obj: unable to dispatch method '@X'"

  ## argclindex

  obj public object forward foo list {%argclindex {A B C}}
  ? {obj foo} A
  ? {obj foo _} "B _"
  ? {obj foo _ _} "C _ _"
  ? {obj foo _ _ _ _} "forward: not enough elements in specified list of ARGC argument argclindex {A B C}"

  ## %1 + defaults

  ::nsf::configure debug 2

  obj public object method FOO args {return [current method]-$args}
  obj public object method OOF args {return [current method]-$args}
  obj public object forward foo -verbose %self %1
  ? {obj foo} {%1 requires argument; should be "foo arg ..."}
  obj public object forward foo -verbose %self {%1 FOO}
  ? {obj foo} "FOO-"
  ? {obj foo X} {::obj: unable to dispatch method 'X'}
  obj public object forward foo -verbose %self {%1 FOO OOF}
  ? {obj foo X} {::obj: unable to dispatch method 'X'}
  obj public object forward foo -verbose %self {%1 {FOO OOF}}
  ? {obj foo X} "OOF-X"
  ? {obj foo X Y} {::obj: unable to dispatch method 'X'}
  obj public object forward foo -verbose %self {%1 {FOO OOF}} {%1 {A B}}
  ? {obj foo} "FOO-A"
  obj public object forward foo -verbose %self {%1 {FOO OOF}} {%1 {A B}}
  ? {obj foo X} "OOF-B X"

  obj public object forward foo -verbose %self "%1\n{FOO\nOOF}" "%1\r{A\tB}"
  ? {obj foo X} "OOF-B X"

  ## -prefix; requires a 2nd arg!

  obj public object method _FOO args {return [current method]-$args}
  ## 1) 2nd arg is missing! Prefix is silently neglected ...
  obj public object forward FOO -prefix _ %self
  ? {obj FOO} {::obj}
  # 2) There is a 2nd arg, a method argument
  ? {obj FOO FOO X} "_FOO-X" "prefix, 2nd arg is method argument"
  # 3) There is a 2nd arg, a forwarder argument
  obj public object forward FOO -prefix _ %self %1
  ? {obj FOO FOO X} "_FOO-X" "prefix, 2nd arg is forwarder argument"
  # 4) There is a 2nd arg, a forwarder argument provided through %1
  obj public object forward FOO -prefix _ %self {%1 {FOO FOO}}
  ? {obj FOO X} "_FOO-X" "prefix, 2nd arg is forwarder argument provided through %1"


nx::test case positioning-arg-extended {

  nx::Object create obj
  obj public object forward foo list {%@end %self}
  ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 ::obj]
  obj public object forward foo list {%@end %method}
  ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 foo]

  obj public object forward foo list {%@end %%}
  ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 %]

  obj public object forward foo list {%obj foo}
  if {$::tcl86} {
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} "TCL LIMIT STACK" "stack overflow"
  } else {
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} {too many nested evaluations (infinite loop?)} "stack overflow"

  obj public object forward foo list {%apply {{x} {return $x}} A}
  ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list A 1 2 3]

  ## positioning of "simple" cmd substitution works fine
  obj public object forward foo list {%@end %obj}
  ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 ::obj] "simple cmd substitution by position"

  ## lindex allows for omitting the index arg or passing {} as index value ... forward catches both cases nicely:
  obj public object forward foo list {%@{} %obj}
  ? {obj foo 1 2 3} "forward: invalid index specified in argument %@{} %obj"

  obj public object forward foo list {%@ %obj}
  ? {obj foo 1 2 3} "forward: invalid index specified in argument %@ %obj"

  ## resolving name conflicts between Tcl commands & predefined
  ## placeholder names -> use fully qualified names

  obj public object forward foo list {%@end %::proc}
  if {$::tcl86} {
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} {TCL WRONGARGS} "provided wrong arguments for target command"
  } else {
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} {wrong # args: should be "::proc name args body"} "provided wrong arguments for target command"

  # the next test does not work unless called from nxsh, which imports ::nx::self
  # obj public object forward foo list {%@end %::self}
  #? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 ::obj]

  obj public object forward foo list {%@end %::nx::self}
  ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 ::obj] "fully qualified self"

  obj public object forward foo list {%@end %::1}
  if {$::tcl86} {
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} {TCL LOOKUP COMMAND ::1} "forward to non-existing object"
  } else {
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} {invalid command name "::1"} "forward to non-existing object"

  ## position prefixes are interpreted in a context-dependent manner:

  obj public object forward foo list {%@1 %@1}
  if {$::tcl86} {
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} {TCL LOOKUP COMMAND @1}  "forward to non-existing cmd"
  } else {
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} {invalid command name "@1"}  "forward to non-existing cmd"

  if {![string length "ISSUES"]} {

    ## list protection makes this fail
    obj public object forward foo list {%@end {%argclindex {A B C D}}}
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 D]

    ## positioned "complex" cmd substitution (cmd + args) not working because of list protection
    obj public object forward foo list {%@end {%list 1}}
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 A]

    ## Why not %1 not working with positioning working?
    obj public object forward foo list {%@end %1}
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} [list 1 2 3 1]

    ## Should this be caught somehow? How would this be treated when list protection would not interfere?
    obj public object forward foo list {%@1 {%@1 "x"}}
    ? {obj foo 1 2 3} "forward: invalid index specified in argument %@{} %obj"

# substitution depending on number of arguments
nx::test case num-args {
  nx::Object create obj {
    :public object forward f %self [list %argclindex [list a b c]]
    :object method a args {return [list [current method] $args]}
    :object method b args {return [list [current method] $args]}
    :object method c args {return [list [current method] $args]}
  ? {obj f} [list a {}]
  ? {obj f 1 } [list b 1]
  ? {obj f 1 2} [list c {1 2}]
  ? {catch {obj f 1 2 3}} 1

# option earlybinding
nx::test case earlybinding {
  nx::Object create obj {
    #:public object forward s -earlybinding ::set ::X
    :public object forward s ::set ::X
  ? {obj s 100} 100
  ? {obj s} 100

  nx::Object public method f args { next }

  nx::Class create NS
  nx::Class create NS::Main {
    :public object method m1 {} { :m2 }
    :public object method m2 {} {
      ? {namespace eval :: {nx::Object create toplevelObj1}} ::toplevelObj1

      ? [list set _ [namespace current]] ::NS
      ? [list set _ [NS create m1]] ::NS::m1
      NS filters set f
      ? [list set _ [NS create m2]] ::NS::m2
      NS filters set ""

      namespace eval ::test {
        ? [list set _ [NS create m3]] ::test::m3
        NS filters set f
        ? [list set _ [NS create m4]] ::test::m4
        NS filters set ""

      namespace eval test {
        ? [list set _ [NS create m5]] ::NS::test::m5
        NS filters set f
        ? [list set _ [NS create m6]] ::NS::test::m6
        NS filters set ""

    :public method i1 {} { :i2 }
    :public method i2 {} {
      ? {namespace eval :: {nx::Object create toplevelObj2}} ::toplevelObj2

      ? [list set _ [namespace current]] ::NS
      ? [list set _ [NS create i1]] ::NS::i1
      NS filters set f
      ? [list set _ [NS create i2]] ::NS::i2
      NS filters set ""

      namespace eval ::test {
        ? [list set _ [NS create i3]] ::test::i3
        NS filters set f
        ? [list set _ [NS create i4]] ::test::i4
        NS filters set ""

      namespace eval test {
        ? [list set _ [NS create i5]] ::NS::test::i5
        NS filters set f
        ? [list set _ [NS create i6]] ::NS::test::i6
        NS filters set ""


  #puts ====
  NS::Main m1
  NS::Main create m
  m i1

  #puts ====
  ? [list set _ [NS create n1]] ::n1
  NS filters set f
  ? [list set _ [NS create n2]] ::n2
  NS filters set ""

  #puts ====
  namespace eval test {
    ? [list set _ [NS create n1]] ::test::n1
    ? [list set _ [NS create n3]] ::test::n3
    NS filters set f
    ? [list set _ [NS create n4]] ::test::n4
    NS filters set ""

# forward to expr + callstack
nx::test case callstack {
  nx::Object public forward expr -frame object

  nx::Class create C {
    :method xx {} {current}
    :public object method t {o expr} {
      return [$o expr $expr]
  C create c1

  ? {c1 expr {[current]}}               ::c1
  ? {c1 expr {[current] eq "::c1"}}     1
  ? {c1 expr {[:xx]}}           ::c1
  ? {c1 expr {[:info class]}}   ::C
  ? {c1 expr {[:info has type C]}}      1
  ? {c1 expr {[:info has type ::C]}}    1

  ? {C t ::c1 {[current]}}              ::c1
  ? {C t ::c1 {[current] eq "::c1"}}  1
  ? {C t ::c1 {[:xx]}}          ::c1
  ? {C t ::c1 {[:info class]}} ::C
  ? {C t ::c1 {[:info has type C]}}     1
  ? {C t ::c1 {[:info has type ::C]}}	1

  nx::Object method expr {} {}


# Local variables:
#    mode: tcl
#    tcl-indent-level: 2
#    indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: