-- sql/data-model-drop.sql
-- Data model remover.  (kinda like nailpolish remover, only completely
-- different)
-- Ian Baker <ibaker@arsdigita.com>
-- $Id: data-model-drop.sql,v 2002/07/09 17:35:10 rmello Exp $

-- Order is important: this is done in the reverse of the order in which the
-- tables are created so that those spiffy referrential integrity checks
-- don't cause it to fail.
drop view portal_elem_tmpl;
drop table portal_available_element_map;
drop table portal_element_map;
drop table portal_elements;
drop table portal_element_parameters;
drop table portal_datasources;
drop table portal_element_configs;
drop table portals;
drop table portal_available_template_map;
drop table portal_available_mime_type_map;
drop table portal_supported_regions;
drop table portal_templates;
drop table portal_data_types;
drop table portal_mime_types;