import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.*; /** * Applet client. * * @author David Dao ( * @creation-date November 17, 2000 * @cvs-id $Id:,v 2002/07/09 17:35:02 rmello Exp $ * *
* * * */ public class adChatApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener, adChatClient{ //private TextArea text_area = null; private Panel text_area_panel = null; private ScrollPane text_area = null; private TextField text_field = null; private Button send_button = null; private Button logoff_button = null; private Button private_button = null; private Button ignore_button = null; private adChatterList chatter_list = null; private adChatClientListener listener = null; private adChatClientInfo client_info = null; private String user_id; private String user_name; private String room_id; private boolean moderated_room; private int format_msg_width; private Dimension applet_size = null; private static int GAP = 5; // Key for this hash table is from_user_id:to_user_id private Hashtable private_chat_frames = null; // Key for this hash table is user_id private Hashtable ignore_user_list = null; private Hashtable moderate_msgs = null; /** * Initialize applet. */ public void init() { super.init(); /** * Getting server information. */ client_info = new adChatClientInfo(); = getParameter("host"); client_info.port = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("port")); // = "localhost"; //client_info.port = 8202; /** * First get user_id, user_name, room_id */ client_info.user_id = getParameter("user_id"); client_info.user_name = getParameter("user_name"); client_info.room_id = getParameter("room_id"); // Temporary store moderator value in the applet. if (getParameter("moderator") != null) client_info.moderator = true; //client_info.user_id = "1"; //client_info.user_name = "David"; //client_info.room_id = "1"; applet_size = getSize(); private_chat_frames = new Hashtable(); ignore_user_list = new Hashtable(); moderate_msgs = new Hashtable(); /** * Calculate dimension for each chat component. */ int text_field_height = 40; int text_area_width = (applet_size.width - 3 * GAP ) * 7 / 10; int text_area_height = applet_size.height - 3 * GAP - text_field_height; int text_area_x = GAP; int text_area_y = GAP; format_msg_width = text_area_width; int text_field_width = text_area_width; int text_field_x = GAP; int text_field_y = text_area_y + text_area_height + GAP; int chat_list_width = (applet_size.width - 3 * GAP) * 3 / 10; int chat_list_height = text_area_height - 30; int chat_list_x = text_area_x + text_area_width + GAP; int chat_list_y = GAP; int private_button_x = chat_list_x; int private_button_y = chat_list_y + chat_list_height + GAP; int private_button_width = 30; int private_button_height = 25; int ignore_button_width = 40; int ignore_button_height = 25; int ignore_button_x = chat_list_x + private_button_width + GAP; int ignore_button_y = private_button_y; int send_button_x = chat_list_x; int send_button_y = text_field_y; int send_button_width = 40; int send_button_height = text_field_height; int logoff_button_width = 50; int logoff_button_height = text_field_height; int logoff_button_x = applet_size.width - GAP - logoff_button_width; int logoff_button_y = text_field_y; /** * End calculate dimension. */ // Just a quick solution to support moderate chat. Need to plan this more careful. if (getParameter("room_moderated") == null) moderated_room = false; else moderated_room = true; /* if (getParameter("moderator") == null) moderator = false; else moderator = true; */ /** * GUI Layout Design */ setLayout(null); text_area = new ScrollPane(); //text_area = new TextArea(); //text_area.setEditable(false); text_area.setBounds(text_area_x, text_area_y, text_area_width, text_area_height); text_area.setBackground(Color.white); text_area_panel = new Panel(); text_area_panel.setLayout(new OneColumnLayout()); //text_area_panel.setBounds(text_area_x, text_area_y, text_area_width, text_area_height); text_area.add(text_area_panel); text_field = new TextField(50); text_field.setBounds(text_field_x, text_field_y, text_field_width, text_field_height); text_field.addActionListener(this); text_field.setBackground(Color.white); Image icon = getImage(getDocumentBase(), "fish2.gif"); chatter_list = new adChatterList(icon); chatter_list.setBounds(chat_list_x, chat_list_y, chat_list_width, chat_list_height); chatter_list.setBackground(Color.white); send_button = new Button("Send"); send_button.setBounds(send_button_x, send_button_y, send_button_width, send_button_height); send_button.addActionListener(this); send_button.setBackground(null); logoff_button = new Button("Log off"); logoff_button.setBounds(logoff_button_x, logoff_button_y, logoff_button_width, logoff_button_height); logoff_button.setForeground(; logoff_button.setBackground(null); logoff_button.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) { URL exitURL = null; try { exitURL = new URL(getCodeBase().toString()); getAppletContext().showDocument(exitURL); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { System.out.println("Could not exit Chat to URL "+exitURL.toString()); } }}); private_button = new Button("PM"); private_button.setBounds(private_button_x, private_button_y, private_button_width, private_button_height); private_button.addActionListener(this); ignore_button = new Button("Ignore"); ignore_button.setBounds(ignore_button_x, ignore_button_y, ignore_button_width, ignore_button_height); ignore_button.addActionListener(this); add(text_area); //add(text_area_panel); add(text_field); add(chatter_list); add(send_button); add(logoff_button); add(private_button); add(ignore_button); // Set applet background. setBackground(Color.white); /** * End GUI Layout */ } public void destroy() { System.out.println("Destroy invoked"); listener.disconnect(); super.destroy(); } public void stop() { System.out.println("Stop invoked"); listener.disconnect(); super.stop(); } /** * Spawn a separate thread and listen for new message from the room. */ public void start() { super.start(); listener = new adChatClientListener(this, client_info); } private void postMessage() { if (!text_field.getText().equals("")) { listener.postMessage(text_field.getText()); text_field.setText(""); } } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { Object src = e.getSource(); if (src == text_field || src == send_button) postMessage(); else if (src == private_button) { adUserInfo user_info = chatter_list.getSelectedItem(); if (user_info != null) { // Ignore private message from user in ignore list. if (ignore_user_list.containsKey(user_info.user_name)) return; String key = user_info.user_name; adPrivateChatFrame f = (adPrivateChatFrame)private_chat_frames.get(key); System.out.println("Frame f = " + f + ", key = " + key); if (f == null) { f = new adPrivateChatFrame(new adUserInfo(client_info.user_id, client_info.user_name), user_info, room_id, listener);; private_chat_frames.put(key, f); } else {; f.toFront(); } } } else if (src == ignore_button) { adUserInfo user_info = chatter_list.getSelectedItem(); if (user_info != null) { // If the key already in user ignore list then click on ignore again will remove // user from the ignore list. if (ignore_user_list.containsKey(user_info.user_name)) { ignore_user_list.remove(user_info.user_name); // Remove this user from ignore list. ((adUserInfoExt) user_info).ignore = false; } else { System.out.println("Ignore user [" + user_info.user_name +"]"); ignore_user_list.put(user_info.user_name, user_info.user_id); // Add this user to ignore list. ((adUserInfoExt) user_info).ignore = true; } chatter_list.invalidate(); chatter_list.repaint(); } } } /** * New message arrive from this room. */ public void receiveMessage(String msg) { System.out.println("receivedMessage [" + msg + "]"); //String system = adChatSimpleXMLParser.getTag(msg, "system"); if (adChatSimpleXMLParser.containTag(msg, "system")) { adChatSystemMessage system_message = new adChatSystemMessage(msg); if (system_message.getType() == adChatSystemMessage.USER_ENTER) { //text_area_panel.add(new adChatFormatMessage(format_msg_width, system_message.getUserName(0), " has entered the room")); //text_area_panel.repaint(); //text_area_panel.validate(); //text_area.validate(); } else if (system_message.getType() == adChatSystemMessage.USER_LEAVE) { //text_area_panel.add(new adChatFormatMessage(format_msg_width, system_message.getUserName(0), " has leave the room")); //text_area_panel.repaint(); //text_area_panel.validate(); //text_area.validate(); chatter_list.removeChatter(new adUserInfo(system_message.getUserId(0), system_message.getUserName(0))); return; } //System.out.println("List count = " + system_message.getListCount()); for (int i = 0; i < system_message.getListCount(); i++) chatter_list.addChatter( new adUserInfoExt(system_message.getUserId(i), system_message.getUserName(i)) ); return; } adChatMessage chat_message = new adChatMessage(msg); // This is not a valid chat message. if (!chat_message.isValid()) return; // If user is in ignore list then discard message from this user. if (ignore_user_list.containsKey(chat_message.getFromUser())) return; if (chat_message.getToUser() != null) { // Private conversation String key = chat_message.getFromUser(); adPrivateChatFrame f = (adPrivateChatFrame) private_chat_frames.get(key); System.out.println("Frame receive f = " + f + ", key = " + key); if (f == null){ f = new adPrivateChatFrame(new adUserInfo(client_info.user_id, client_info.user_name), new adUserInfo(user_id, chat_message.getFromUser()), room_id, listener); private_chat_frames.put(key, f); }; f.receiveMessage(chat_message.getFromUser(), chat_message.getBody()); return; } // TODO: boolean moderate = (chat_message.getStatus() != null && chat_message.getStatus().equals("pending")) ? true : false; adChatFormatMessage frm_msg = new adChatFormatMessage(format_msg_width, listener, msg); //adChatFormatMessage frm_msg = new adChatFormatMessage(listener, chat_message.getFromUser(), chat_message.getBody(), moderate); if (moderate) { // Put moderate msg in the hash table. if (chat_message.getMessageId() != null) { moderate_msgs.put(chat_message.getMessageId(), frm_msg); } } if (!moderate && chat_message.getMessageId() != null) { // The message is approve moderate message. adChatFormatMessage m = (adChatFormatMessage) moderate_msgs.get(chat_message.getMessageId()); if (m != null) m.setVisible(false); } if (chat_message.getStatus() != null && !chat_message.getStatus().equals("rejected")) text_area_panel.add(frm_msg); text_area_panel.repaint(); text_area_panel.validate(); text_area.validate(); } public void disconnect() { listener.disconnect(); } public static void main(String args[]) { Frame f = new Frame(); if (args.length < 3) { System.out.println("Usage: java adChatClient user_id user_name room_id"); return; } //Panel client_interface = new adChatClient(args[0], args[1], args[2]); Panel client_interface = new adChatApplet(); f.add(client_interface); f.setSize(570, 400); f.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() { public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); } });; } }