#!/usr/bin/perl # # @author John Prevost # @creation-date 2001-01-16 # @cvs-id $Id: queue-message.pl,v 2002/07/09 17:34:58 rmello Exp $ ### DANGER This script is entirely untested, since I don't yet have an Oracle ### DANGER DBI setup available to me. It will be tested once I do. sub usage () { print "$0: db_user db_passwd [envelope_from] [envelope_to]\n"; } ################################################################ # Global Definitions $db_user = shift; $db_passwd = shift; $envelope_from = shift || ''; $envelope_to = shift || ''; # Oracle access $ORACLE_HOME = "/ora8/m01/app/oracle/product/8.1.6"; $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = $ORACLE_HOME; $ENV{'ORACLE_BASE'} = "/ora8/m01/app/oracle"; $ENV{'ORACLE_SID'} = "ora8"; $db_datasource = 'dbi:Oracle:'; ################################################################ use DBI; use DBD::Oracle qw(:ora_types); $content_all = ''; $content_no_header = ''; $header_p = 1; $header_name = undef; %headers = (); while (<>) { $content_all .= $_; $content_no_header .= $_ if ( !$header_p ); chomp; if ( $header_p ) { if ( /^$/ ) { $header_p = 0; } elsif ( /^\S+: / ) { ($header_name, $header_content) = /^(\S+): (.*)$/; $headers{lc $header_name} .= $header_content; } elsif ( /^\s+/ ) { $headers{lc $header_name} .= "\n$_"; } } } # Open the database connection. $dbh = DBI->connect($db_datasrc, $db_user, $db_passwd, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }) || die "$0: couldn't connect to database: $!"; # This is supposed to make it possible to write large CLOBs $dbh->{LongReadLen} = 2**20; # 1 MB max message size $dbh->{LongTruncOk} = 0; # Create a message body $h = $dbh->prepare (qq{ declare -- blob header_message_id varchar; header_reply_to varchar; header_subject varchar; header_from varchar; header_to varchar; -- envelope to -- envelope from body_reply_to integer; body_from integer; body_date date; cont_id integer; body_id integer; link_id integer; begin cont_id := acs_mail_gc_object.new ( creation_user => null ); insert into acs_contents (content_id, content, searchable_p, mime_type) values (cont_id, ?, 'f', 'text/plain'); header_message_id := ?; header_reply_to := ?; header_subject := ?; header_from := ?; header_to := ?; -- try to get the body_reply_to id by selecting on header_message_id body_reply_to := null; -- try to get the body_from id by searching on email body_from := null -- get the body date by being handed it from perl body_date := ?; body_id := acs_mail_body.new ( body_reply_to => body_reply_to, body_from => body_from, body_date => body_date, header_message_id => header_message_id, header_reply_to => header_reply_to, header_subject => header_subject, header_from => header_from, header_to => header_to, content_object_id => cont_id ); link_id := acs_mail_queue_message.new ( body_id => body_id ); insert into acs_mail_queue_incoming values (link_id, ?, ?); end; }); $h->bind_param(1, $content_no_header, { ora_type => ORA_CLOB, ora_field => 'content' }); if (!$h->execute($content_no_header, $headers{'message-id'}, $headers{'in-reply-to'}, $headers{'subject'}, $headers{'from'}, $headers{'to'}, $envelope_from, $envelope_to)) { die "$0: unable to open cursor: $!\n" . $dbh->errstr; } $h->finish; $dbh->disconnect;