Tuning SQL Queries

part of ACS lessons by Michael Bryzek

By now you've invested in a great RDBMS and even tried to optimize some of your queries by creating indexes (and possibly moving tablespaces onto physically separate drives). You find that your application is still not fast enough. You have two choices:
  1. Close shop and go on vacation
  2. Hire a real DBA
  3. Expand your knowledge of SQL
Though the first option is nice, it's hard to go on vacation if you don't have a job. And the second option could be quite expensive (not to mention hard to find). It's time to look at a couple ways to tune the SQL you're using on your tables with hundreds of thousands or millions of rows. The hope is that a few examples will add a few new tools to your SQL toolbox to help you tune your own problematic queries.

From here on, we assume you've created your plan table, that you have located the problematic query, and have tried indexing the appropriate columns. (If not, read Phil's Indexing and Tuning Page first.) And just in case it's not clear enough, make sure you:

     SQL> analyze table  compute statistics for all columns
to help oracle's cost-based optimizer do the "right thing."

Here are the steps to further optimize your sql:

  1. copy the problematic query into emacs.
  2. open a sqlplus session
  3. become creative
How can you become creative? I'm not sure, but thanks to the help of Alpha (one of the guys who actually wrote Intermedia), we were able to replace a query that took about 10 seconds with one that took about a tenth of a second. That's pretty creative.

Setting up your sqlplus session

One of the major problems in tuning expensive queries is that it takes to long to repeadetly run variations of the query. Instead of running the queries, we focus on reading and understanding the execution plan. Once we have found an execution plan that we think looks good, we'll run the query with
 SQL> set autotrace on 
to make sure that we're not hitting the disk too often.

In general, there are at least two ways to just look at the execution plan of a query:

Method 1 (not recommended):

SQL> explain plan for <your query>
SQL> select  rtrim(lpad(' ',2*level)||
             rtrim(operation)||' '||
             rtrim(options)||' '||
             object_name) query_plan
     from plan_table
     connect by prior id=parent_id
     start with id=0;
SQL> truncate table plan_table;
(Note that we only truncate the plan_table so that the next time we 
use explain plan, we only read back the query we ran. I put the select
statement above into a file format_plan.sql that I run every time I 
need to)

Method 2 (recommend because of its simplicity):

SQL> set autotrace traceonly explain
SQL> <your query>
Another useful tool for tuning in general is the use of trace files and tkprof to look at what is going on while your query executes. Example 3 illustrates the importance of these tools.

SQL Tuning Example 1:

GuideStar is a website focused on delivering financial information about nonprofits to potential investors. The financial information is taken from the tax forms that all non-profits file every year (Form 990 or 990-EZ). We receive digitized versions of these forms and run a series of math and spelling checks to ensure that the appropriate numbers add up as they should. When a form has no more errors, it is approved for public use.

The Tables
I wanted to get back 50 form_id's for forms that had at least one error in the state "found." Forms are stored in a table called f990_header with a primary key of form_id and a boolean approved_p that indicates whether the form is approved. Errors and their related states are stored in a table called gs_990_errors which has a primary key pair (form_id, check_id) where check_id refers to the type of error flagged. Each form_id in f990_header has about 30-40 corresponding rows in gs_990_errors. At the time I was working on this query, f990_header had about 140,000 rows and gs_990_errors had about 4.5 million rows.

The original query looked like this:

SQL> set autotrace traceonly explain
SQL> select h.form_id 
             from f990_header h, gs_990_errors e
             where approved_p='N'
             and rownum <= 50
             and e.form_id = h.form_id
             and e.error_state = 'found';

Execution Plan
   0	  SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=41454 Card=67621 Byt

   1	0   COUNT (STOPKEY)
   2	1     MERGE JOIN (Cost=41454 Card=67621 Bytes=4665849)
   3	2	SORT (JOIN) (Cost=1818 Card=67621 Bytes=1961009)
   4	3	  TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'F990_HEADER' (Cost=716 Card=
	  67621 Bytes=1961009)

   5	2	SORT (JOIN) (Cost=39636 Card=1040847 Bytes=41633880)
   6	5	  TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'GS_990_ERRORS' (Cost=4079 Ca
	  rd=1040847 Bytes=41633880)

The query plan is about as bad as it gets. I'm doing a full table scan of f990_header and gs_990_errors. (Note: If you were to actually run the query with autotrace on, you would see that I'm hitting the disk over 10,000 times.)

Let's time how long it actually takes to run the query:

SQL> set timing on;
SQL> set autotrace off;
SQL> select h.form_id 
             from f990_header h, gs_990_errors e
             where approved_p='N'
             and rownum <= 50
             and e.form_id = h.form_id
             and e.error_state = 'found';

50 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:09.52

The first step to improving this query is to look at what it is I am interested in obtaining: the f990_header form_id. I don't care at all about any data in gs_990_errors. I rewrote the query as:
SQL> set autotrace traceonly explain 
SQL> set timing off
SQL> select h.form_id 
     from f990_header h
     where h.approved_p='N'
     and h.form_id = (select e.form_id
                      from gs_990_errors e
                      where rownum < 2
                      and e.form_id = h.form_id
                      and e.error_state = 'found')
     and rownum <= 50;

Execution Plan
   0	  SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE (Cost=716 Card=1 Bytes=42)
   1	0   COUNT (STOPKEY)
   2	1     FILTER
   3	2	TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'F990_HEADER' (Cost=716 Card=1

	  st=4 Card=1 Bytes=45)

	  X' (NON-UNIQUE) (Cost=3 Card=1)

That's quite a bit better. We got rid of the full table scan on gs_990_errors and are now simply hitting the index on gs_990_errors(form_id, check_id). Could we do better? Maybe. I created an index on approved_p naively hoping that the query would use it (I even gave it a hint to do so!). However, over 40% of the rows in f990_header have approved_p='N', which means the full table scan will be more efficient than the index scan. The optimizer is doing the right thing here.

My friend Oumi pointed out that we could simplify the query a bit since we don't even need to return e.form_id from the inner select:

SQL> select h.form_id 
     from f990_header h
     where h.approved_p='N'
     and exists (select 1
                 from gs_990_errors e
                 where rownum < 2
                 and e.form_id = h.form_id
                 and e.error_state = 'found')
     and rownum <= 50;

50 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
From almost 10 seconds to .01 - that's about 1,000 times faster!

Here's the intuition behind this example: Only join two tables when you really need data from both tables. Otherwise, a faster query using a subquery probably exists. I found that this general rule works best when all tables being accessed are fairly large (greater than 50,000 rows) and one of the tables is at least five times larger than the rest.

It's worth noting that our example is somewhat unique in that we are only accessing fifty rows of gs_990_errors meaning that we really win big over a full table scan of gs_990_errors. I tested a query that counted the total number of forms with an error in the state "found," forcing a full table scan in both cases. Using a standard join, the query took 17.65 seconds while the sub-query method took 6.58 seconds. Not an improvement of 100 times, but still much better!

SQL Tuning Example 2:

Another friend of mine, also named Michael, was tuning a query for a bonds site. The idea was to identify a particular bond and the number of positions a user (or users) had executed in that bond.

In this example, we are actually tuning views. Michael later told me that the query could also have been rewritten using the base tables to solve the problem we had. In any case, it's a good example of sql tuning.

The Views
The bonds are stored in a view called bonds with primary key bond_id. Positions are stored in orders_executable. Some users may not have any corresponding rows in the orders_executable view.

The original query looked like this

SQL> set autotrace traceonly explain
SQL> select b.bond_id, sum(decode(o.order_id, null, 0, 1)) as n_orders
     from bonds b, orders_executable o
     where b.moody_long_term_rtg_sort >= (select ordinal_num 
                                          from moody_ratings 
                                          where code='AAA')
     and b.moody_long_term_rtg_sort <= (select ordinal_num 
                                        from moody_ratings 
                                        where code='A')
     and b.bond_id = o.bond_id(+)
     group by b.bond_id;

Execution Plan
   1    0   SORT (GROUP BY)
   2    1     FILTER
   3    2       MERGE JOIN (OUTER)
   4    3         SORT (JOIN)
   5    4           VIEW OF 'BONDS'
   6    5             NESTED LOOPS (OUTER)
   7    6               TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'BOND_DESCRIPTIONS'
   8    6               INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'SYS_C0057002' (UNIQUE)
   9    3         SORT (JOIN)
  10    9           VIEW OF 'ORDERS_EXECUTABLE'
  11   10             TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'ORDERS'
  14   13         INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'SYS_C0057182' (UNIQUE)
  16   15         INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'SYS_C0057182' (UNIQUE)
In line 7 you see that we are doing a full table access of the bond_descriptions table. To tune this query, we:
  1. Identify what information we need: bond_id and the number of orders

  2. Identify the minimum set of tables we need to get that information: The number of orders definitely must come from orders_executable table. However, bond_id can come from either orders_executable or bonds. Our first instinct would be to eliminate using the bonds table at all. This doesn't work here since we need the outer join on orders_executable to get the bond_id's which do not have any corresponding rows in orders_executable.

  3. Try to replace a full table scan with a smaller view of the data that we really need: In our case, we are only using a subset of the bonds table (namely those bonds whose moody_ratings fall in some range).
We rewrote the query by replacing bonds with a "view created on the fly":
select b.bond_id, sum(decode(o.order_id, null, 0, 1)) as n_orders
     from (select bond_id from bonds
           where moody_long_term_rtg_sort >= (select ordinal_num from
                                              moody_ratings where code='AAA')
           and moody_long_term_rtg_sort <= (select ordinal_num from
                                            moody_ratings where code='A')) b, orders_executable o
     where b.bond_id = o.bond_id(+)
     group by b.bond_id;

Execution Plan
   1    0   SORT (GROUP BY)
   2    1     MERGE JOIN (OUTER)
   3    2       SORT (JOIN)
   4    3         VIEW
   5    4           NESTED LOOPS (OUTER)
   8    7                 TABLE ACCESS (BY INDEX ROWID) OF 'MOODY_RATINGS'
   9    8                   INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'SYS_C0057182' (UNIQUE)
  10    5             INDEX (UNIQUE SCAN) OF 'SYS_C0057002' (UNIQUE)
  11    2       SORT (JOIN)
  12   11         VIEW OF 'ORDERS_EXECUTABLE'

The full table scan we previously saw in line 7 is now replaced with index lookups to create the view that we then join with orders_executable.

Did we really win? In this case, yes! The full table scan was our bottleneck. However, keep in mind that this method of optimizing a sql query might not be too useful if the view you create on they fly contains a good portion of the rows in your table.

Example 3: Tuning With Trace Files and tkprof

Sometimes it hard to understand why a particular query, procedure, or function is taking so long to execute. The best solution here is to create a trace file to log what's going on during execution and to feed that trace file to tkprof which formats and sorts the trace file.

I use a Site-wide Search Table, named search, to allow users to search all the content on GuideStar and I created a pl/sql procedure that updates one row of the search table. This procedure is not very efficient - It takes over eight seconds per row on the average - multiply that by 700,000 rows and it would take about two months to update every row. Let's find out why this procedure takes so long to execute. Note that autotrace doesn't give us any information about the execution of pl/sql procedures (at least I don't know how to get it!). The first step is to make sure timing is on inside Oracle (this ensures that the trace file will contain information regarding execution time):

  1. Open up the Oracle init file ($ORACLE_BASE/admin/ora8/pfile/initora8.ini) in your favorite editor
  2. Make sure it says somewhere "timing = true". If timing is set to false, set timing to true, shutdown the database, and start it back up.
SQL> alter session set sql_trace=true;

Session altered.

SQL> BEGIN gs_update_search_for_ein('25-0965554'); END;
  2  /

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> alter session set sql_trace=false;

Session altered.
Now we look at the trace file:
  1. From a unix shell as the oracle user, go to the trace files directory ($ORACLE_BASE/admin/ora8/udump)

  2. Figure out which trace file was generated (use ls -lrt *.trc to sort all trace files in ascending order of time last modified. The last file is probably the one you want)

  3. Run tkprof (my trace file was called ora8_ora_24611.trc):
     > tkprof ora8_ora_24611.trc output=ora8_ora_24611.prf sort=prsdsk,exedsk,fchdsk 
    About the arguments to tkprof:
    • prsdsk - parse-time disk access (time to parse your sql)
    • exedsk - execution disk access (time to open the cursor)
    • fchdsk - fetch disk access (time to walk down the cursor)

  4. Look at the file ora8_ora_24611.prf:
    UPDATE SEARCH SET GIF_P=:b1,FIN_P=:b2,BMF_P=:b3,F990_P=:b4,PDF_P=:b5,FORM_ID=
     EIN = :b33
    call     count       cpu    elapsed       disk      query    current        rows
    ------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
    Parse        1      0.01       0.01          0          0          0           0
    Execute      1      0.63       6.68       3126       3866        364           1
    Fetch        0      0.00       0.00          0          0          0           0
    ------- ------  -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------  ----------
    total        2      0.64       6.69       3126       3866        364           1
    In this case, the most expensive query was the update on the table search - It took over 3,000 disk accesses! It turns out, every column that is being updated is itself indexed, and several pairs of columns are indexed as well. There are over 25 indexes on this table that all must be updated on all dml queries.

    Knowing that the problem was disk I/O, I:

    1. Separated my tablespaces over 4 disks
    2. Ran several instances of the above procedure in parallel

    The point here is that usually the hardest part of tuning is finding the bottleneck - sql trace files and tkprof can help.
