-- /packages/press/sql/press-delete.sql -- -- @author sarah@arsdigita.com -- @author stefan@arsdigita.com -- @author ron@arsdigita.com -- -- @created 2000-11-27 -- -- $Id: press-drop.sql,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:35:11 rmello Exp $ drop package press_revision; drop package press; -- delete press views drop view press_items_approved; drop view press_item_revisions; -- unregister content_types from folder declare v_folder_id cr_folders.folder_id%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; CURSOR c_item_id IS SELECT item_id FROM cr_items WHERE parent_id = v_folder_id; begin select content_item.get_id('press') into v_folder_id from dual; -- delete all contents of press folder OPEN c_item_id; LOOP FETCH c_item_id into v_item_id; content_item.delete(v_item_id); EXIT WHEN c_item_id%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; CLOSE c_item_id; -- cheesy sub for cursor that doesn't work. need to fix. -- update cr_items set parent_id=0 where parent_id = v_folder_id; -- unregister_content_types content_folder.unregister_content_type ( folder_id => v_folder_id, content_type => 'content_revision', include_subtypes => 't' ); content_folder.unregister_content_type ( folder_id => v_folder_id, content_type => 'press', include_subtypes => 't' ); -- delete press folder content_folder.delete(v_folder_id); end; / show errors -- drop attributes begin -- the Journal in which the press article appeared content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'publication_name' ); -- the URL link to this Journal content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'publication_link' ); -- the journal issue date content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'publication_date' ); -- the journal issue date in words content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'publication_date_desc' ); -- the URL link to the article content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'article_link' ); -- the article page range, e.g. 'pp 83-100' content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'article_pages' ); -- a flag that tells if the article abstract is in HTML or not content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'article_abstract_html_p' ); -- website release date of press release content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'release_date' ); -- website archive date of press release content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'archive_date' ); -- assignement to an authorized user for approval content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'approval_user' ); -- approval date content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'approval_date' ); -- approval IP address content_type.drop_attribute ( content_type => 'press', attribute_name => 'approval_ip' ); -- delete content_type 'press' acs_object_type.drop_type ( object_type => 'press', cascade_p => 't' ); end; / show errors -- drop indices to avoid lock situation through parent table drop index cr_press_appuser_fk; -- delete pertinent info from cr_press drop table cr_press; drop table press_templates; -- delete privileges; declare default_context acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; registered_users acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; the_public acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; begin acs_privilege.remove_child('press_admin','press_approve'); acs_privilege.remove_child('press_admin','press_create'); acs_privilege.remove_child('press_admin','press_delete'); acs_privilege.remove_child('press_admin','press_read'); acs_privilege.remove_child('read','press_read'); acs_privilege.remove_child('create','press_create'); acs_privilege.remove_child('delete','press_delete'); acs_privilege.remove_child('admin','press_approve'); acs_privilege.remove_child('admin','press_admin'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('press_admin'); default_context := acs.magic_object_id('default_context'); the_public := acs.magic_object_id('the_public'); acs_permission.revoke_permission ( object_id => default_context, grantee_id => the_public, privilege => 'press_read' ); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('press_read'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('press_create'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('press_delete'); acs_privilege.drop_privilege('press_approve'); end; / show errors