select i.item_id as illustration_item_id, live_revision as illustration_revision_id from cr_child_rels ch, cr_items i where relation_tag = 'illustration' and ch.parent_id = :item_id and ch.child_id = i.item_id and publish_status = 'live' select i.width, i.height, cr.title as ill_title, cr.description as ill_description, cr.publish_date from images i, cr_revisions cr where i.image_id = cr.revision_id and image_id = :illustration_revision_id select ch.parent_id as glossary_item_id from cr_child_rels ch, cr_items i where child_id = :item_id and relation_tag = 'parent glossary' and ch.parent_id = item_id and live_revision is not null