select g.comment_id,
acs_object__name(o.creation_user) as author,
case when i.live_revision=null then 0 else 1 end as live_version_p,
case when i.live_revision=r.revision_id then 0 else 1 end as approved_p,
to_char(o.creation_date, 'MM-DD-YYYY HH12:MI:AM') as pretty_date
from general_comments g,
cr_items i,
cr_revisions r,
acs_objects o
where g.comment_id = i.item_id and
r.revision_id = o.object_id and
r.revision_id = content_item__get_latest_revision(g.comment_id) and
o.creation_user = :user_id
[ad_dimensional_sql $dimensional]
[ad_order_by_from_sort_spec $orderby $table_def]
creation_date + '1 days'::interval > now()
creation_date + '7 days'::interval > now()
creation_date + '30 days'::interval > now()