2000-12-18 18:38  kevin

	* www/download/index.vuh (1.1): Initial version - replaces
	registered filters and the proc fs_file_downloader

2000-12-18 18:37  kevin

	* tcl/file-storage-procs.tcl (1.18): removed fs_file_downloader -
	handled by www/download/index.vuh

2000-12-18 18:36  kevin

	* tcl/file-storage-init.tcl (1.5): took out registered filter - now
	handled by www/download/index.vuh

2000-12-18 13:18  kevin

	* www/: file-add-2.tcl (1.12), file-move-2.tcl (1.7),
	folder-create-2.tcl (1.9): Changed err_msg to errmsg in on_error

2000-12-15 16:22  kevin

	* sql/file-storage-create.sql (1.8): fixed bug #8640 - package_key
	is always the same, so trying to create multiple package instances
	created problems with uniqueness constraints in the content
	repository.  changed it to {package_key}_{package_id}.

2000-12-05 17:58  kevin

	* file-storage.info (1.4): 4.0b update

2000-12-05 15:30  kevin

	* www/: file-edit-2.tcl (1.1), file-edit.adp (1.1), file-edit.tcl
	(1.1): Initial version

2000-12-05 15:30  kevin

	* www/: file.adp (1.11), file.tcl (1.8): a few UI changes and added
	link to rename a file

2000-12-05 15:29  kevin

	* www/file-copy-2.tcl (1.5): mostly added details in comments, but
	also added creation user/ip for new item

2000-12-05 15:28  kevin

	* www/file-move-2.tcl (1.6): Modified to use CR api to move items