    <title>ACS Templating Requirements</title>

  <body bgcolor=white>

    <h2>ACS Templating Requirements</h2> 

    by <a href="mailto:karlg@arsdigita.com">Karl Goldstein</a>,
    <a href="mailto:christian@arsdigita.com">Christian Brechb&uuml;hler</a>,
    <a href="mailto:psu@arsdigita.com">Peter Su</a>,
    and <a href="mailto:yon@arsdigita.com">Yonatan Feldman</a>


    <a name="introduction">
      <h3>I. Introduction</h3>

      The following is a requirements document for the ACS Templating
      System version 0.5.  It has also been called Karl's Templates, the
      Dynamic Publishing System (DPS), and Stencil. The official package
      name for the system is now <code><b>acs-templating</b></code>.

    <a name="vision">
      <h3>II. Vision Statement</h3>

      On websites of sufficient size, a consistent look and feel (the
      UI, or user interface) for users is important, while for site
      publishers and administrators, de-coupling the UI from
      programming allows for easier maintenance and more efficient
      workflow.  Thus the ACS 4 Templating system provides mechanisms
      that allow programmers and graphic designers to work
      independently of each other. Templates specify the layout of the
      page separately from the dynamic content of the page. Graphic
      designers work primarily on the layout, that is the template,
      while programmers work primarily on a script or program that
      generates the dynamic content that fills the blanks in the
      template. In addition, the templating system provides a way to
      use a single layout specification for the majority - if not all
      - of a website's pages, so the overall layout of a site can be
      more easily administered.

    <a name="system">
      <h3>III. System Overview</h3>

      The templating system provides:


      <li>A set of custom markup tags (using ADP, AOLserver Dynamic
	Pages) that are used to specify page layout, and to declare
	where dynamically generated content belongs in the layout.


      <li>An API for specifying the content part of the page. This API is
	used by programmers to specify the script that generates the
	content in a page.


      <li>A mechanism for combining the data (from a data source) with
	the layout (from a layout template) into a single dynamically
	generated HTML page.


      <li>A mechanism for specifying a single master template to be used
	for multiple pages.


    <a name="usercases">
      <h3>IV. Use-cases and User-scenarios</h3>

      The template system is designed to be used by two classes of
      users: programmers and designers. In bulding a web site,
      programmers are generally responsible for defining and
      implementing the <i>application logic</i> of the site, while
      designers are more responsible for the
      <i>presentation</i>. Generally speaking, the application logic
      generates data for the presentation to display to the user. The
      template system must provide mechanisms that supports both of
      these tasks and allows the designer and programmer to work
      seperately, but for their work to be combined at runtime into
      something that the user sees as a single page.
      Thus, pages are naturally split into two parts. The <i>logic
	part</i> executes application logic and generates data, and the
      <i>presentation</i> part that specifies the layout of the page
      and so on.
      What is needed is:
	A notation and API for the programmer specify the application
	logic and to generate the data to be displayed. In ACS, we
	call the data that we wish to display a <i>data source</i> or
	<i>page property</i>. Application logic is driven by the
	inputs the page gathers from the user request (e.g. the HTTP
	request), and the computation that the page must perform on
	this input. This computation will generally create and
	populate the data sources and page properties. Data sources
	tend to be connected to database queries, while page
	properties can be defined by any arbitrary computation.
	A notation and API for the designer to specify how the data
	sources and page properties will be presented to the
	user. This notation will generally take the form of some kind
	extended HTML.
	A mechanism for communicating the data sources and page
	properties from the logic part of the page

      Jane Programmer writes a page contract and a draft template,
      that uses the promised page properties.  Joe Designer takes that
      template and makes it look nice, using his design skills and
      HTML literacy.  Meanwhile Jane Programmer writes code to
      generate the page properties, typically by querying the
      database.  When both are done, the page is ready for Jim User,
      who requests it using his web browser.

      <em>Alternate scenario:</em> Judy Designer is familiar with the
      template system.  She starts directly from a defined page
      contract, so Jane Programmer doesn't need to write the draft

    <h3>V. Related Links</h3>

      <li> Design document

    <a name="functional">
      <h3>VI.A Functional Requirements</h3>

	<a name="10.0">
	  <strong>10.0 A Common Solution</strong>
	  Programmers and designers should only have to learn a single
	  system that serves as a UI substrate for all the functionally
	  specific modules in the toolkit. 

	      The system should not make any assumptions about how pages should
	      look or function.

	      Publishers should be able to change the default presentation of
	      any module using a single methodology with minimal exposure to


	<strong>10.5 Programmer's API</strong>
	  It must be easy to use/integrate the templating system with any
	  application. This implies a stable, simple, and comprehensive API
	  for programmers to use when writing or converting modules.


	    <strong>10.5.1 Page Properties Publishing</strong>

	      Programmers must be able to publish a page's data sources, so that a
	      graphic designer knows what data sources are available.

	    <strong>10.5.2 Page Contract Implementation</strong>
	      Programmers must be able to generate and populate the page properties
	      they promise. This includes page properties of types: onevalue, onerow,
	      multirow, onelist, and multilist.


	<strong>10.10 Graphic Designer's API</strong>
	  It must be simple for graphic designers to create and maintain
	  templates that include dynamic data, and other templates. This
	  requires a stable, simple, and comprehensive API for graphic
	  designers to use when creating the layout pages for a site.


	    <strong>10.10.1 Variable Substitution</strong>
	      Much like the "mail merge" feature of a word processor, template
	      authors must use special tags to position each piece of dynamic
	      data within the layout. Each template is associated with a data
	      dictionary that lists all available variables.

	    <strong>10.10.2 Use of Components</strong>
	      To speed development and ensure consistency of design, template
	      authors are encouraged to assemble pages from distinct <i>component
		templates</i> that may be recycled in different contexts. One typical
	      practice is to build a "master" template for an entire section of
	      a site, with a common header, footer and sidebar layout. For each
	      page request, the "content" template is incorporated dynamically
	      into a specified area of the master template, usually a table
	      Another common practice is to build small reusable templates that
	      may be included in other templates as logical components. This may
	      be useful for common "widgets" such as search boxes or lists of
	      related links, as well as for building configurable portal pages
	      where users may assemble different types of content to their

	    <strong>10.10.3 Inter-Template Communication</strong>
	      Template authors need a simple mechanism for declaring properties
	      within templates. The most common use of such properties is for
	      configuring elements of an enclosing master template, such as the
	      title, navigation links, and whether to include a search box.

	    <strong>10.10.4 Conditional Insertion</strong>
	      Designers often need to tailor the layout depending on the
	      specific data being presented. For example, when presenting a list
	      of library books that a user has checked out, the designer might
	      want to highlight the overdue ones in red. For this, designers
	      must have the ability to write simple program logic (<i>Note: We
		run the risk of inventing our own language here, we must be


	<strong>10.10.5 Iteration</strong>
	  Dynamic pages often present lists of values or records, each of
	  which typically represents the results of a database
	  query. Template authors must have a way to iterate over each value
	  or record in such a list and format it appropriately. In the
	  simplest scenario, the exact HTML is repeated with each
	  iteration. However, template authors often need to vary the design
	  depending on the context.


      <a name="20.0">
	<strong>20.0 Separation of Code and Layout</strong>
	Programmers should be able to specify the page properties
	independently of the markup used to present the data in the
	template. Markup authors should be to able to write templates that
	reference the page properties without further intervention from
	the programmer to produce a finished page.


	  <strong>20.5 Programmer - Graphic Designer Communication</strong>
	    A graphic designer must be able to look at the documentation for a
	    page in a documentation browser and find out what properties a
	    page publishes and what types they are. This documentation should
	    be available through the standard ACS documentation facilities.



      <a name="30.0">
	<strong>30.0 Separation of Page Components</strong>
	There should be provisions so that pages can be broken into
	discrete components to simplify maintenance of the markup code and
	allow for reuse in different contexts. Examples of common page
	components include a navigation bar, a search box, or a section of
	a report or story.

      <a name="40.0">
	<strong>40.0 Global Control Over Presentation</strong>
	There should be a way to define one or more standard master
	templates used by most pages on a site, so that changes to the
	overall look and feel of a site can be made in one place.

      <a name="50.0">
	<strong>50.0 Dynamic Selection of Presentation Style</strong>
	Given that the same data may be presented in many different ways,
	there should be a general mechanism for selecting a specific
	presentation (including file format, layout, character set and
	language) for each page request, depending on characteristics such
	as user preference, location, browser type and/or device.

      <a name="60.0">
	<strong>60.0 Usability</strong>
	Programmers should be able to develop template specifications
	using their standard tools for writing and maintaining code on the
	server. HTML authors should be able to access information about
	template specifications and work on templates remotely without
	needing shell access to the server.


    <a name="nonfunctional">
      <h3>VI.B Non-functional Requirements</h3>

	<a name="100.0">
	  <strong>100.0 Distribution</strong>
	  The Templating System must be releasable as part of the ACS and as
	  a separate product. When distributed as part of the ACS all
	  documentation, examples, and source code must follow ACS
	  standards. This includes but is not limited to: using the
	  <code>db_api</code>, using <code>ad_page_contract</code>


	<a name="110.0">
	  <strong>110.0 Performance</strong>
	  The Templating System must not cause any performance problems to a
	  site. It must be fast and efficient, and it must not slow down
	  page load speed by more than 10% versus a TCL page with inline



    <h3>VII. Revision History</h3>

    <table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 width=90% bgcolor=#efefef>
    <tr bgcolor=#e0e0e0>
    <th width=10%>Document Revision #</th>
    <th width=50%>Action Taken, Notes</th>
    <th>By Whom?</th>

    <td>Yonatan Feldman</td>

    <td>Merge with previous docs</td>
    <td>Christian Brechb�hler</td>

    <td>Edited, reviewed, pending freeze</td>
    <td>Kai Wu</td>



   <a href="mailto:yon@arsdigita.com">yon@arsdigita.com</a>

Last modified: $Id: requirements.html,v 1.1 2002/07/09 17:35:00 rmello Exp $
