::xowiki::Page new -title "Index Page" -text {

This is the default start page of XoWiki. You can edit this page and save it to provide a personalized look of the XoWiki instance. You can as well provide a different index page through configuration. You can also view the contents of the Wiki in a weblog style. For more details, consult the [[http://media.wu-wien.ac.at/download/xowiki-doc/|XoWiki documentation]].

A user can define notifications for the whole XoWiki instance (by clicking on the notifications button in the menu bar or for categories (by clicking on the letter symbol next to the category entries at the bottom of the page)

>>left-col<< {{recent -max_entries 25}} >><< >>right-col<< {{last-visited -title "Last Visited" -max_entries 10 }}
{{most-popular -title "Most Popular" -max_entries 10 }} >><< }