Code example for a diagram with date scale:
<SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
D=new Diagram();
Date.UTC(2001,0,1,0,0,0), //date/time (left): year, month(0..11), day, hour, min, sec
Date.UTC(2001,11,31,23,59,59), //date/time (right): year, month(0..11), day, hour, min, sec
0, 1); //any y scale
//change the scale type from default=1 into 2 or higher before drawing:
D.XScale=2; //2,3,4=predefined date scales; 5,6,..=userdefined date scales
//get the screen position of a date/time for the display of bars, dots or pixels:
var x=D.ScreenX(Date.UTC(2001,10,11,11,11,0));