select w.workflow_id, w.short_name, w.pretty_name, w.object_id, w.package_key, w.object_type, w.description, w.description_mime_type, a.short_name as initial_action, a.action_id as initial_action_id from workflows w left outer join workflow_actions a on (a.workflow_id = w.workflow_id and a.parent_action_id is null and a.trigger_type = 'init') where w.workflow_id = :workflow_id select coalesce(max(sort_order),0) + 1 from workflow_callbacks where workflow_id = :workflow_id select workflow_id from workflows where object_id = :object_id and short_name = :short_name select count(*) from workflows where workflow_id = :workflow_id select impl.impl_id, impl.impl_name, impl.impl_owner_name, ctr.contract_name, wc.sort_order from workflow_callbacks wc, acs_sc_impls impl, acs_sc_bindings bind, acs_sc_contracts ctr where wc.workflow_id = :workflow_id and impl.impl_id = wc.acs_sc_impl_id and impl.impl_id = bind.impl_id and bind.contract_id = ctr.contract_id order by wc.sort_order select workflow_id from workflows where package_key = :package_key and short_name = :short_name and object_id is null select coalesce(max(sort_order), 0) from $table_name where workflow_id = :workflow_id insert into workflow_callbacks (workflow_id, acs_sc_impl_id, sort_order) values (:workflow_id, :acs_sc_impl_id, :sort_order)