#!/usr/bin/perl #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # HostInfo AWStats plugin # This plugin allow you to add information on hosts, like a whois fields. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Perl Required Modules: XWhois #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Revision: 1.1 $ - $Author: rocaelh $ - $Date: 2005/03/01 17:35:41 $ # <----- # ENTER HERE THE USE COMMAND FOR ALL REQUIRED PERL MODULES push @INC, "${DIR}/plugins"; if (!eval ('require "Net/XWhois.pm";')) { return $@?"Error: $@":"Error: Need Perl module Net::XWhois"; } # -----> use strict;no strict "refs"; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN VARIABLES #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # <----- # ENTER HERE THE MINIMUM AWSTATS VERSION REQUIRED BY YOUR PLUGIN # AND THE NAME OF ALL FUNCTIONS THE PLUGIN MANAGE. my $PluginNeedAWStatsVersion="6.0"; my $PluginHooksFunctions="ShowInfoHost AddHTMLBodyHeader BuildFullHTMLOutput"; # -----> # <----- # IF YOUR PLUGIN NEED GLOBAL VARIABLES, THEY MUST BE DECLARED HERE. use vars qw/ /; # -----> #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN FUNCTION: Init_pluginname #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub Init_hostinfo { my $InitParams=shift; my $checkversion=&Check_Plugin_Version($PluginNeedAWStatsVersion); # <----- # ENTER HERE CODE TO DO INIT PLUGIN ACTIONS debug(" Plugin hostinfo: InitParams=$InitParams",1); # -----> return ($checkversion?$checkversion:"$PluginHooksFunctions"); } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN FUNCTION: AddHTMLBodyHeader_pluginname # UNIQUE: NO (Several plugins using this function can be loaded) # Function called to Add HTML code at beginning of BODY section. # Parameters: None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AddHTMLBodyHeader_hostinfo { # <----- my $WIDTHINFO=640; my $HEIGHTINFO=480; my $urlparam="pluginmode=hostinfo&config=$SiteConfig"; $urlparam.=($DirConfig?"&configdir=$DirConfig":""); print < function neww(a,b) { var wfeatures="directories=0,menubar=1,status=0,resizable=1,scrollbars=1,toolbar=0,width=$WIDTHINFO,height=$HEIGHTINFO,left=" + eval("(screen.width - $WIDTHINFO)/2") + ",top=" + eval("(screen.height - $HEIGHTINFO)/2"); EOF print "if (b==1) { fen=window.open('".XMLEncode("$AWScript?$urlparam&host")."='+a,'whois',wfeatures); }\n"; print "if (b==2) { fen=window.open('".XMLEncode("$AWScript?$urlparam&host")."='+a,'whois',wfeatures); }\n"; print < EOF return 1; # -----> } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN FUNCTION: ShowInfoHost_pluginname # UNIQUE: NO (Several plugins using this function can be loaded) # Function called to add additionnal columns to the Hosts report. # This function is called when building rows of the report (One call for each # row). So it allows you to add a column in report, for example with code : # print "This is a new cell for $param"; # Parameters: Host name or ip #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub ShowInfoHost_hostinfo { my $param="$_[0]"; # <----- if ($param eq '__title__') { print "$Message[114]"; } elsif ($param) { my $keyforwhois; my $linkforwhois; if ($param =~ /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/) { # IPv4 address $keyforwhois=$param; $linkforwhois=2; } elsif ($param =~ /^[0-9A-F]*:/i) { # IPv6 address $keyforwhois=$param; $linkforwhois=2; } else { # Hostname $param =~ /([-\w]+\.[-\w]+\.(?:au|uk|jp|nz))$/ or $param =~ /([-\w]+\.[-\w]+)$/; $keyforwhois=$1; $linkforwhois=1; } print ""; if ($keyforwhois && $linkforwhois) { print "?"; } else { print " " } print ""; } else { print " "; } return 1; # -----> } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # PLUGIN FUNTION: BuildFullHTMLOutput_pluginname # UNIQUE: NO (Several plugins using this function can be loaded) # Function called to output an HTML page completely built by plugin instead # of AWStats output #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub BuildFullHTMLOutput_hostinfo { # <----- my $Host=''; if ($QueryString =~ /host=([^&]+)/i) { $Host=lc(&DecodeEncodedString("$1")); } my $ip=''; my $HostResolved=''; # my $regipv4=qr/^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/; # my $regipv6=qr/^[0-9A-F]*:/i; # if ($Host =~ /$regipv4/o) { $ip=4; } # elsif ($Host =~ /$regipv6/o) { $ip=6; } # if ($ip == 4) { # my $lookupresult=lc(gethostbyaddr(pack("C4",split(/\./,$Host)),AF_INET)); # This is very slow, may spend 20 seconds # if (! $lookupresult || $lookupresult =~ /$regipv4/o || ! IsAscii($lookupresult)) { # $HostResolved='*'; # } # else { # $HostResolved=$lookupresult; # } # if ($Debug) { debug(" Reverse DNS lookup for $Host done: $HostResolved",4); } # } if (! $ip) { $HostResolved=$Host; } if ($Debug) { debug(" Plugin hostinfo: DirData=$DirData Host=$Host HostResolved=$HostResolved ",4); } my $w = new Net::XWhois Verbose=>$Debug, Cache=>$DirData, NoCache=>0, Timeout=>10, Domain=>$HostResolved; print "
\n"; if ($w && $w->response()) { &tab_head("Common Whois Fields",0,0,'whois'); print "Common field infoValue\n"; print "Name".($w->name())." "; print "Status".($w->status())." "; print "NameServers".($w->nameservers())." "; print "Registrant".($w->registrant())." "; print "Contact Admin".($w->contact_admin())." "; print "Contact Tech".($w->contact_tech())." "; print "Contact Billing".($w->contact_billing())." "; print "Contact Zone".($w->contact_zone())." "; print "Contact Emails".($w->contact_emails())." "; print "Contact Handles".($w->contact_handles())." "; print "Domain Handles".($w->domain_handles())." "; &tab_end; } &tab_head("Full Whois Field",0,0,'whois'); if ($w && $w->response()) { print "
\n"; } else { print "
The Whois command failed.
Did the server running AWStats is allowed to send WhoIs queries (If a firewall is running, port 43 should be opened from inside to outside) ?

\n"; } &tab_end; return 1; # -----> } 1; # Do not remove this line