select short_name as forum_name, moderated_p,
acs_permission__permission_p(:forum_id, :user_id, 'admin') as admin_p,
acs_permission__permission_p(:forum_id, :user_id, 'bboard_create_category')
as category_create_p
from bboard_forums
where forum_id = :forum_id
and bboard_id= :package_id
select message_id, title, num_replies,
first_names||' '||last_name as full_name,
to_char(last_reply_date,'MM/DD/YY hh12:MI am') as last_updated
from bboard_messages_all b, persons
where forum_id = :forum_id
and age(sent_date) < case when :last_n_days = 0
then interval '99 years'
else interval '$last_n_days days'
and person_id = sender
and reply_to is null
order by sent_date desc
select short_name, count(message_id) as message_count, category_id
from bboard_forum_message_map f join
(bboard_categories c left outer join bboard_category_message_map m using (category_id))
using (message_id)
where f.forum_id = :forum_id
group by category_id, short_name
order by category_id;
select message_id, title, num_replies,
first_names||' '||last_name as full_name,
to_char(last_reply_date,'MM/DD/YY hh12:MI am') as last_updated
from bboard_messages_all b, persons
where forum_id = :forum_id
and age(sent_date) < case when :last_n_days = 0
then interval '99 years'
else interval '$last_n_days days'
and person_id = sender
and reply_to is null
and status = 'approved'
order by sent_date desc
select short_name, count(message_id) as message_count, category_id
from bboard_forum_message_map f join
(bboard_categories c left outer join bboard_category_message_map m using (category_id))
using (message_id)
where f.forum_id = :forum_id
and f.status = 'approved'
group by category_id, short_name
order by category_id;
select 1 where 1 = 0
select 1 where 1 = 0