# q-wiki/www/index.vuh # part of Q-Wiki package # requires OpenACS # index.vuh allows q-wiki to integrate with other services. # For robustness, rename q-wiki.tcl/q-wiki.adp to index.vuh to bypass having to repost data set conn_path_url [ad_conn path_info] array set input_array [list \ url ""\ page_id ""\ page_name ""\ page_title ""\ page_contents ""\ keywords ""\ description ""\ page_comments ""\ page_template_id ""\ page_flags ""\ page_contents_default ""\ submit "" \ reset "" \ mode "v" \ next_mode "" \ qf_security_hash "" \ url_referring "" \ model_ref "" \ spec1ref "" \ spec1default "" \ spec2ref "" \ spec2default "" \ spec3ref "" \ spec3default "" \ image_name "" \ image_width "" \ image_height "" \ thumbnail_name "" \ thumbnail_width "" \ thumbnail_height "" \ price "" \ dimensions "" \ ship_wt "" \ actual_wt "" \ unit "" \ ] set query_key_list [array names input_array] set form_posted [qf_get_inputs_as_array input_array] set input_array(url) $conn_path_url set input_array(url_referring) "index.vuh" # re-post data to new location foreach query_key $query_key_list { rp_form_put $query_key [ad_urlencode $input_array(${query_key})] if { $query_key eq "url" } { ns_log Notice "q-wiki/www/index.vuh: url $input_array(url)" } } rp_internal_redirect /packages/bw-custom/www/q-wiki ad_script_abort