-- Postgresql tables for the Logger application -- -- @author Lars Pind (lars@collaboraid.biz) -- @author Peter Marklund (peter@collaboraid.biz) -- @creation-date 2003-05-07 create table logger_projects ( project_id integer constraint logger_projects_pk primary key constraint logger_projects_pid_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade, name varchar(1000), description varchar(4000), active_p boolean default true constraint logger_projects_ap_nn not null, project_lead integer constraint logger_projects_pl_nn not null constraint logger_projects_pl_fk references users(user_id) ); comment on table logger_projects is ' Log entries are grouped by projects. Once we have a dedicated project management package for OpenACS this table will be superseeded by tables in that package. In order to make such a change easier in the future we are not referencing the logger_projects table directly in the logger datamodel but instead reference acs_objects. '; -- By making projects acs objects we can use permissioning and also by -- referencing acs objects we make any future transition to project objects in a -- project management package easier. create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''logger_project'', -- object_type ''#logger.Logger_project#'', -- pretty_name ''#logger.Logger_projects#'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''logger_projects'', -- table_name ''project_id'', -- id_column null, -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table ''logger_project.name'' -- name_method ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); create table logger_project_pkg_map ( project_id integer constraint logger_project_pkg_map_pr_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade, package_id integer constraint logger_project_pkg_map_pa_fk references apm_packages(package_id) on delete cascade, constraint logger_project_pkg_map_un unique (project_id, package_id) ); comment on table logger_project_pkg_map is ' Each project can be mounted in multiple package instances. '; create table logger_variables ( variable_id integer constraint logger_variables_pk primary key constraint logger_variables_pid_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade, name varchar(200), unit varchar(200), type varchar(50) default 'additive' constraint logger_variables_type_nn not null constraint logger_variables_type_ck check (type in ('additive', 'non-additive')), package_id integer constraint logger_project_var_map_pi_fk references apm_packages(package_id) ); comment on column logger_variables.type is ' Indicates if entries of this variable should be added together or not. Examples of additive variables are time and money spent at different times during a project. A non-additive variable would be the amount of money in a bank account. '; comment on column logger_variables.package_id is ' The id of the package that the variable was created in. '; -- We make variables acs objects to be able to use permissions create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''logger_variable'', -- object_type ''#logger.Logger_variable#'', -- pretty_name ''#logger.Logger_variables#'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''logger_variables'', -- table_name ''variable_id'', -- id_column null, -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table ''logger_variable.name'' -- name_method ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); create table logger_project_var_map ( project_id integer constraint logger_project_var_map_pid_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade constraint logger_project_var_map_pid_nn not null, variable_id integer constraint logger_project_var_map_vid_fk references logger_variables(variable_id) on delete cascade constraint logger_project_var_map_vid_nn not null, primary_p boolean constraint logger_project_var_map_pp_nn not null, constraint logger_project_var_map_un unique(project_id, variable_id) ); comment on column logger_project_var_map.primary_p is ' Every project must have a primary variable which represents what we are most interested in logging and reporting in that project - typically time spent on various tasks. '; create table logger_projections ( projection_id integer constraint logger_projections_pk primary key, name varchar(1000), description varchar(4000), project_id integer constraint logger_projections_pid_nn not null constraint logger_projections_pid_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade, variable_id integer constraint logger_projections_vid_nn not null constraint logger_projections_vid_fk references logger_variables(variable_id) on delete cascade, start_time timestamptz constraint logger_projections_st_nn not null, end_time timestamptz constraint logger_projections_et_nn not null, value decimal constraint logger_projections_value_nn not null ); comment on table logger_projections is ' This table allows a project admin to specify expected or targeted logging values over a particular time period. '; comment on column logger_projections.value is ' For additive variables the projection value will represent the expected or targeted sum of entries during the time range and for non-additive variables it will represent an average. '; create sequence logger_projections_seq; create table logger_entries ( entry_id integer constraint logger_entries_pk primary key constraint logger_entries_mid_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade, project_id integer constraint logger_entries_pid_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade, variable_id integer constraint logger_entries_v_id_fk references logger_variables(variable_id) on delete cascade, value real constraint logger_entries_value_nn not null, time_stamp timestamptz default current_timestamp constraint logger_entries_ts_nn not null, description varchar(4000) ); comment on table logger_entries is ' This is the center piece of the logger datamodel that holds the actually reported data - namely numbers bound to points in time. Given the HR-XML Time and Reporting standard (see http://www.hr-xml.org) we considered allowing for explicit start and end times. However, in the interest of simplicity for the initial release of the package we opted against this. The HR-XML spec talks about three categories of reports - time events, time intervals, and expenses incurred. Of those we are initially only supporting the latter two and for time intervals we don''t support any explicit start and end time (only a timestamp and a value). Support for those remaining HR-XML use cases can be added on later without much difficulty. '; -- Entries need to be acs objects if we are to categorize the with the categories -- package create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''logger_entry'', -- object_type ''#logger.Logger_entry#'', -- pretty_name ''#logger.Logger_entries#'', -- pretty_plural ''acs_object'', -- supertype ''logger_entries'', -- table_name ''entry_id'', -- id_column null, -- package_name ''f'', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table ''logger_entry.name'' -- name_method ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 ();