update imsld_property_instances
set value = :value
where instance_id = :instance_id
select status_date
from imsld_runs
where run_id = :run_id
and status = 'started'
select status_date
from imsld_status_user
where run_id = :run_id
and user_id = :user_id
and status = 'started'
update imsld_attribute_instances
set is_visible_p = :is_visible_p,
with_control_p = :with_control_p,
title = :title
where run_id = :run_id
and user_id = :user_id
and identifier = :class
and type = 'class'
update imsld_attribute_instances
set is_visible_p = :is_visible_p
where run_id = :run_id
and user_id = :user_id
and identifier = :identifier
and type = 'isvisible'