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Support for the adp:icon Tag

Font Awesome Icons can be used via adp:icons can be used on ADP pages with

<adp:icon name="NAME" title="..." style="..." class="..." iconset='...' invisible='...'>

The last three arguments are optional. Font Awesome Icons defines in version 6.1.1 more than 2,000 free icons. When installing Font Awesome Icons, all of these are usable independent of the style of the site.

However, when one wants to keep e.g. some subsites in Bootstrap 3 and others in Bootstrap 5, and the classic Bootstrap 3 look-and-feel should be kept, and the identical markup should adapt its Look-and-Feel depending on the subsite theme, there are some restrictions. OpenACS supports the icon sets "classic" (old-style gif/png images), "glyphicons" (Part of Bootstrap 3), "bootstrap-icons" (usable for all themes), and "fa-icons" (usable for all themes). Some of the icon names are usable via adp:icon for all OpenACS icon sets, some of these can be used without further mapping as replacement of the gyphicons of Bootstrap 3.

The names which can be used for all icon sets are called "generic", since for these, a mapping from the specific icon set to the generic name exists. See below for lists of names and contexts, where these can be used.
