postgresql7.3 select ev.party_id, case when et.number_of_members = 1 then (select last_name||', '||first_names from persons where person_id = ev.party_id) else (select group_name from groups where group_id = ev.party_id) end as party_name, round(ev.grade,2) as grade, ev.last_modified as evaluation_date, to_char(ev.last_modified, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as evaluation_date_ansi, et.online_p, et.due_date, ev.evaluation_id, et.forums_related_p, (select description from evaluation_student_evalsx where evaluation_id=ev.evaluation_id) as comments from evaluation_tasks et, evaluation_student_evalsi ev, $roles_table cr_items cri where et.task_id = :task_id and et.task_item_id = ev.task_item_id $roles_clause and cri.live_revision = ev.evaluation_id $orderby select as answer_data, ea.title as answer_title, ea.revision_id, to_char(ea.creation_date, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as submission_date_ansi, ea.last_modified as submission_date, (select comment from evaluation_answers where answer_id=ea.revision_id) as s_comment from evaluation_answersi ea, cr_items cri where ea.party_id = :party_id and ea.task_item_id = :task_item_id and cri.live_revision = ea.answer_id select ev.party_id, case when et.number_of_members = 1 then (select last_name||', '||first_names from persons where person_id = ev.party_id) else (select group_name from groups where group_id = ev.party_id) end as party_name, ev.party_id, as answer_data, ev.title as answer_title, ev.revision_id, to_char(ev.last_modified, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as submission_date_ansi, et.due_date, ev.last_modified as submission_date, et.forums_related_p from evaluation_answersi ev, evaluation_tasks et, $roles_table cr_items cri where ev.task_item_id = et.task_item_id and et.task_id = :task_id and is not null $roles_clause and cri.live_revision = ev.answer_id $processed_clause $orderby_wa