select p.last_name ||', '|| p.first_names as student_name, p.person_id as student_id from persons p, dotlrn_member_rels_approved app where app.community_id = :community_id and app.user_id = p.person_id and app.role = 'student' and p.person_id not in (select map.object_id_two from acs_rels map where map.object_id_two = p.person_id and map.object_id_one in (select party_id from eduwiki_groups_map where eduwiki_id = :eduwiki_id)) order by p.last_name asc select p.last_name ||', '|| p.first_names as student_name, p.person_id as student_id from persons p, dotlrn_member_rels_approved app where app.community_id = :community_id and app.user_id = p.person_id and app.role = 'student' and p.person_id not in (select map.object_id_two from acs_rels map where map.object_id_two = p.person_id and map.object_id_one in ([join $group_ids ,])) order by p.last_name asc select p.last_name ||', '|| p.first_names as student_name, p.person_id as student_id from persons p, dotlrn_member_rels_approved app where app.community_id = :community_id and app.user_id = p.person_id and app.role = 'student' and p.person_id in (select map.object_id_two from acs_rels map where map.object_id_two = p.person_id and map.object_id_one in ([join $group_ids ,])) order by p.last_name asc select g.group_name, g.group_id from groups g, acs_objects ao where g.group_id = ao.object_id and ao.context_id = :eduwiki_package_id and g.group_id in ( select g1.party_id from eduwiki_groups_map g1 where g1.eduwiki_id = :eduwiki_id ) select g.group_name, g.group_id from groups g, eduwiki_groups_map eg where g.group_id = eg.party_id and eg.eduwiki_id = :eduwiki_id