{index "Help"} "Manage your account" 1 Help - Manage your account

Manage your account

Personal info

To change personal information, including first name, last name, email, screen name, home page and biography.


To add a photo to your profile

To modify an existing photo

To add or edit a comment to an existing photo

To remove an existing photo

Language and Timezone

To change <%=[ad_system_name]%> language and timezone

Privacy level

You can choose to hide your email address from other users or show it as a text or as an image, or to allow other users to contact you via a form

To change your email privacy level

To be invisible to other users

<%=[ad_system_name]%> shows who is online via the link "Members online", on the top line, next to the "Welcome" and "Logout". By default, other users can see if you are online.

To be visible to other users

Close your account

To close definitively your <%=[ad_system_name]%> account (please note that after closing your account, you will not be able to connect to <%=[ad_system_name]%> again, unless you create a new account)