postgresql 7.1 select from category_object_map_tree m, category_translations t where t.category_id = m.category_id and t.locale = coalesce(:locale, 'en_US') and m.object_id = :community_id and m.tree_id = :grade_tree_id select distinct from category_object_map_tree m, category_translations t where t.category_id = m.category_id and t.locale = coalesce(:locale, 'en_US') and m.object_id in (select community_id from dotlrn_ecommerce_section where course_id = :item_id) and m.tree_id = :grade_tree_id select item_type_id from cal_item_types where type='Session' and calendar_id = :calendar_id limit 1 select distinct to_char(start_date, 'Mon') as month, to_char(start_date, 'dd') as day, to_char(start_date, 'hh:mi') as timestart, to_char(end_date, 'hh:mi') as timeend, to_char(start_date, 'am') as startampm, to_char(end_date, 'am') as endampm, to_char(start_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') as datenum from cal_items ci, acs_events e, acs_activities a, timespans s, time_intervals t where e.timespan_id = s.timespan_id and s.interval_id = t.interval_id and e.activity_id = a.activity_id and e.event_id = ci.cal_item_id and start_date >= current_date and ci.on_which_calendar = :calendar_id and ci.item_type_id = :item_type_id select u.user_id, u.first_names||' '||u.last_name from dotlrn_users u, dotlrn_member_rels_approved r where u.user_id = r.user_id and r.community_id = :community_id and r.rel_type = 'dotlrn_ecom_instructor_rel' and r.user_id in ($instructor_string) select from category_object_map_tree m, category_translations t where t.category_id = m.category_id and t.locale = coalesce(:locale, 'en_US') and m.object_id = :community_id and m.tree_id = :zone_tree_id