Installing the CMS News Demo

CMS Demo Documentation : News Site Demo Installation Guide

This document contains instructions on installing the News Site demo for the Arsdigita Content Management System.

Where to get the CMS News Site Demo

There are two options for obtaining the CMS News Demo:
  1. Download a tarball from

  2. Checkout the latest version from the CVS repository:


  1. The CMS 4.1 package is mounted onto ACS 4.1.

    Packages can be mounted in $YOURSERVER/admin/site-map/. You must be logged in as a site-wide administrator to mount a package.

  2. The CMS News Site Demo 1.2 package is mounted onto ACS 4.1.

    Packages can be mounted in $YOURSERVER/admin/site-map/. You must be logged in as a site-wide administrator to mount a package.

  3. The CMS News Site Demo 1.2 data model is loaded.

    If the data model wasn't loaded when installing ACS 4.1, then you can load it manually:

  4. You are a registered user and have CMS Administrative privileges on the entire Content Management System.

    If no user is registered to CMS with Administrative privileges, then the next user to register under CMS will automatically be granted Administrative privileges on the entire CMS.

Installation Instructions

  1. Browse to $YOUR_SERVER/cms-news-demo/install-wizard to start the CMS News Demo Installation Wizard. Running the install wizard will register demo users and create and publish demo folders and templates.

  2. That's it!