select cr.title as option_section_title,
s.section_id as option_section_id,
from as_sections s,
cr_revisions cr,
cr_items ci,
(select distinct section_id, sort_order, last_modified,assessment_id
from (select m.assessment_id, o.last_modified,
m.section_id, m.sort_order
from as_assessment_section_map m,
acs_objects o
m.assessment_id = o.object_id
and m.assessment_id
in ([ns_dbquotelist $assessment_ids])) s1
$multiple_assessment_where) map
where ci.item_id = cr.item_id
and cr.revision_id = s.section_id
and s.section_id = map.section_id
order by map.last_modified desc, map.sort_order asc
select ci.item_id,
ir.revision_id as as_item_id,
ci.content_type as item_type,
from as_items i,
cr_revisions cr,
cr_items ci,
as_item_section_map ism,
cr_revisions ir
where ci.item_id = cr.item_id
and ir.revision_id = ci.latest_revision
and cr.revision_id = i.as_item_id
and i.as_item_id = ism.as_item_id
and ism.section_id = :option_section_id
order by ism.sort_order
select r.title, r.title
from cr_revisions r, as_item_choices c
left outer join cr_revisions r2 on (c.content_value = r2.revision_id)
where r.revision_id = c.choice_id
and c.mc_id = (select max(t.as_item_type_id)
from as_item_type_mc t, cr_revisions c, as_item_rels r
where t.as_item_type_id = r.target_rev_id
and r.item_rev_id = :as_item_id
and r.rel_type = 'as_item_type_rel'
and c.revision_id = t.as_item_type_id
group by c.title, t.increasing_p, t.allow_negative_p,
t.num_correct_answers, t.num_answers)
order by c.sort_order
select oi.object_type
from cr_items i, as_item_rels it, as_item_rels dt, acs_objects oi
where dt.item_rev_id = it.item_rev_id
and it.rel_type = 'as_item_type_rel'
and dt.rel_type = 'as_item_display_rel'
and oi.object_id = it.target_rev_id
and i.latest_revision = it.item_rev_id
and i.item_id = :cr_item_id
select oi.object_type
from cr_items i, as_item_rels it, as_item_rels dt, acs_objects oi
where dt.item_rev_id = it.item_rev_id
and it.rel_type = 'as_item_type_rel'
and dt.rel_type = 'as_item_display_rel'
and oi.object_id = it.target_rev_id
and i.latest_revision = it.item_rev_id
and i.item_id = :cr_item_id