Ajax File Storage User Interface

Hamilton G. Chua (ham@solutiongrove.com)
January 2008

What's New :

v1.0 Final

v1.0 Beta



Set Up

Install ajax-filestorage-ui thru acs-admin/install.

Before you can use ajaxfs-ui with your file storage instance, you need to make a few modifications to file-storage/www/index.adp. The code for index.adp is shown below and the changes that you must add are in red .

<property name="title">@folder_name@</property>
<property name="header">@folder_name@</property>
<property name="context">@context;noquote@</property>
<property name="displayed_object_id">@folder_id;noquote@</property>
<include src="/packages/ajax-filestorage-ui/lib/ajaxfs-include" package_id="@package_id@" folder_id="@folder_id@" layoutdiv="fscontainer"> <div id="fscontainer"> <table>
<if @up_url@ not nil>
<a href="@up_url@" class="button">#file-storage.index_page_navigate_up_folder#</a>
<if @project_url@ not nil>
<a href="@project_url@">#file-storage.back_to_project#: @project_name@</a>
<include src="folder-chunk" folder_id="@folder_id@"
n_past_days="@n_past_days@" allow_bulk_actions="1" return_url="@return_url@">
</div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <p>@notification_chunk;noquote@</p>

These modifications are ideal if you want all your file storage instances to use AjaxFs. If you want more control on which file storage instance on your system uses AjaxFS, see below.

Using a File Storage parameter

If you would like the ability to turn Ajaxfs on or off for different instances of file storage on your system. You can create a parameter UseAjaxFs in the file storage package.

  1. In your OpenACS system, go to /acs-admin/apm
  2. Click on the link to the File Storage package
  3. Click the Parameter link
  4. Click Add a new parameter
  5. Enter the following information

    Parameter Name : UseAjaxFs
    Description : Set this parameter to 1 if you want file storage to use the ajaxfs-ui interface
    Type: number
    Default: 0

  6. Click Add Parameter

Then, make the following modifications in red to the index.tcl file in packages/file-storage/www.

set use_ajaxfs_p [parameter::get -parameter UseAjaxFs -default 1]

On the index.adp file, make the following changes

<property name="title">@folder_name@</property>
<property name="header">@folder_name@</property>
<property name="context">@context;noquote@</property>
<property name="displayed_object_id">@folder_id;noquote@</property>
<if @use_ajax_fs_p@ eq 1 > <include src="/packages/ajax-filestorage-ui/lib/ajaxfs-include" package_id="@package_id@" folder_id="@folder_id@" layoutdiv="fscontainer"> </if> <div id="fscontainer"> <table>
<if @up_url@ not nil>
<a href="@up_url@" class="button">#file-storage.index_page_navigate_up_folder#</a>
<if @project_url@ not nil>
<a href="@project_url@">#file-storage.back_to_project#: @project_name@</a>
<include src="folder-chunk" folder_id="@folder_id@"
n_past_days="@n_past_days@" allow_bulk_actions="1" return_url="@return_url@">
</div> <div style="clear:both"></div> <p>@notification_chunk;noquote@</p>

Embed in dotLRN Portlets

To embed ajaxfs in the dotlrn fs-portlet, you will need to make the following modifications to fs-portlet


if {![empty_string_p $user_root_folder] && [lsearch -exact $list_of_folder_ids $user_root_folder] != -1} {
    set folder_id $user_root_folder
    set user_root_folder_present_p 1
    set use_ajaxfs_p 0
} else {
    set folder_id [lindex $list_of_folder_ids 0]
    set file_storage_node_id [site_node::get_node_id_from_object_id \
                             -object_id [ad_conn package_id]]
    set file_storage_package_id [site_node::get_children \
                                -package_key file-storage \
                                -node_id $file_storage_node_id \
                                -element package_id]
    set use_ajaxfs_p [parameter::get -package_id $file_storage_package_id -parameter UseAjaxFs -default 0]



<if @config.shaded_p@ false>
<if @use_ajaxfs_p@ eq 1>
<include src="/packages/ajax-filestorage-ui/lib/ajaxfs-include" package_id="@file_storage_package_id@" folder_id="@folder_id@" layoutdiv="fscontainer">

<div id="fscontainer">
<if @scoped_p@ eq 1>
<include src=@scope_fs_url@ folder_id=@folder_id@ root_folder_id=@folder_id@ viewing_user_id=@user_id@ n_past_days=@n_past_days@ fs_url="@url@" page_num="@p


<if @write_p@ true>
        <div class="list-button-bar-top">
                <a href="@url@folder-create?parent_id=@folder_id@" class="button" title="#fs-portlet.create_new_folder#">#fs-portlet.create_new_folder#</a>
                <a href="@url@file-add?folder_id=@folder_id@" class="button" title="#fs-portlet.upload_file#">#fs-portlet.upload_file#</a>
                <a href="@url@simple-add?folder_id=@folder_id@" class="button" title="#fs-portlet.create_url#">#fs-portlet.create_url#</a>

  <listtemplate name="folders"></listtemplate>



If you are using the UseAjaxFs parameter :

update apm_parameter_values set attr_value=1 where parameter_id=(select * from apm_parameters where parameter_name='UseAjaxFs')