PROMPT starting utilities-create.sql.... -- -- Rebuild the utilities -- create or replace package util as function multiple_nextval( v_sequence_name in varchar2, v_count in integer) return varchar2; function logical_negation ( true_or_false IN varchar2) return varchar2; function table_exists ( name in varchar2) return boolean; function table_column_exists ( t_name in varchar2, c_name in varchar2) return boolean; function view_exists ( name in varchar2) return boolean; function index_exists ( name in varchar2) return boolean; function foreign_key_exists ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2, reftable IN varchar2, refcolumn IN varchar2) return boolean; function unique_exists ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2, single_p IN boolean default true) return boolean; function primary_key_exists ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2, single_p IN boolean default true) return boolean; function not_null_exists ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2) return boolean; function get_default ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2) return LONG; TYPE primary_keys IS TABLE OF varchar2; function get_primary_keys(table IN varchar2) return primary_keys PIPELINED; end util; / show errors create or replace package body util as -- Retrieves v_count (not necessarily consecutive) nextval values from the -- sequence named v_sequence_name. function multiple_nextval( v_sequence_name in varchar2, v_count in integer ) return varchar2 is a_sequence_values varchar2(4000); begin execute immediate ' declare a_nextval integer; begin for counter in 1..:v_count loop select ' || v_sequence_name || '.nextval into a_nextval from dual; :a_sequence_values := :a_sequence_values || '','' || a_nextval; end loop; end; ' using in v_count, in out a_sequence_values; return substr(a_sequence_values, 2); end; function logical_negation ( true_or_false IN varchar2) return varchar2 as begin IF true_or_false is null THEN return null; ELSIF true_or_false = 'f' THEN return 't'; ELSE return 'f'; END IF; END logical_negation; function table_exists ( name IN varchar2) return boolean as v_count integer; v_exists boolean; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from user_tables where table_name = upper(; if v_count = 1 then v_exists := true; else v_exists := false; end if; return v_exists; END table_exists; function table_column_exists ( t_name IN varchar2, c_name IN varchar2) return boolean as v_count integer; v_exists boolean; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from user_tab_columns where table_name = upper(table_column_exists.t_name) and column_name = upper(table_column_exists.c_name); if v_count = 1 then v_exists := true; else v_exists := false; end if; return v_exists; END table_column_exists; function view_exists ( name IN varchar2) return boolean as v_count integer; v_exists boolean; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from user_views where view_name = upper(; if v_count = 1 then v_exists := true; else v_exists := false; end if; return v_exists; END view_exists; function index_exists ( name IN varchar2) return boolean as v_count integer; v_exists boolean; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from user_indexes where index_name = upper(; if v_count = 1 then v_exists := true; else v_exists := false; end if; return v_exists; END index_exists; function foreign_key_exists ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2, reftable IN varchar2, refcolumn IN varchar2) return boolean as v_count integer; v_exists boolean; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from user_constraints cons left join user_cons_columns cols on cols.constraint_name = cons.constraint_name left join user_constraints cons_r on cons_r.constraint_name = cons.r_constraint_name left join user_cons_columns cols_r on cols_r.constraint_name = cons.r_constraint_name where cons.constraint_type = 'R' and cons.table_name = foreign_key_exists.table and cols.column_name = foreign_key_exists.column and cons_r.table_name = foreign_key_exists.reftable and cols_r.column_name = foreign_key_exists.refcolumn; if v_count = 1 then v_exists := true; else v_exists := false; end if; return v_exists; end foreign_key_exists; function unique_exists ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2, single_p IN boolean default true) return boolean as v_count integer; v_exists boolean; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from all_constraints c join all_cons_columns cc on (c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name) where c.constraint_type = 'U' and c.table_name = unique_exists.table and cc.column_name = unique_exists.column and (not unique_exists.single_p or ( select count(*) from all_cons_columns where constraint_name = c.constraint_name) = 1); if v_count = 1 then v_exists := true; else v_exists := false; end if; return v_exists; END unique_exists; function primary_key_exists ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2, single_p IN boolean default true) return boolean as v_count integer; v_exists boolean; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from all_constraints c join all_cons_columns cc on (c.owner = cc.owner and c.constraint_name = cc.constraint_name) where c.constraint_type = 'P' and c.table_name = primary_key_exists.table and cc.column_name = primary_key_exists.column and (not primary_key_exists.single_p or ( select count(*) from all_cons_columns where constraint_name = c.constraint_name and owner = c.owner) = 1); if v_count = 1 then v_exists := true; else v_exists := false; end if; return v_exists; END primary_key_exists; function not_null_exists ( table IN varchar2, column IN varchar2) return boolean as v_count integer; v_exists boolean; begin select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_count from all_tab_columns where table_name = not_null_exists.table and column_name = not_null_exists.column and nullable = 'N'; if v_count = 1 then v_exists := true; else v_exists := false; end if; return v_exists; END not_null_exists; function get_default ( table in varchar2, column in varchar2) return long as v_value long; begin select data_default into v_value from all_tab_columns where table_name = get_default.table and column_name = get_default.column; return v_value; end get_default; function get_primary_keys( table in varchar2) return primary_keys as v_rec primary_keys; begin select cols.column_name bulk collect into v_rec from all_constraints cons, all_cons_columns cols where cols.table_name = get_primary_keys.table and cons.constraint_type = 'P' and cons.constraint_name = cols.constraint_name and cons.owner = cols.owner order by cols.table_name, cols.position; return v_rec; end get_primary_keys; end util; / show errors