# Three different line formats are valid:
#	key	-a    aliases...
#	key [options] directory
#	key [options] directory files...
# Where "options" are composed of:
#	-i prog		Run "prog" on "cvs commit" from top-level of module.
#	-o prog		Run "prog" on "cvs checkout" of module.
#	-e prog		Run "prog" on "cvs export" of module.
#	-t prog		Run "prog" on "cvs rtag" of module.
#	-u prog		Run "prog" on "cvs update" of module.
#	-d dir		Place module in directory "dir" instead of module name.
#	-l		Top-level directory only -- do not recurse.
# NOTE:  If you change any of the "Run" options above, you'll have to
# release and re-checkout any working directories of these modules.
# And "directory" is a path to a directory relative to $CVSROOT.
# The "-a" option specifies an alias.  An alias is interpreted as if
# everything on the right of the "-a" had been typed on the command line.
# You can encode a module within a module by using the special '&'
# character to interpose another module into the current module.  This
# can be useful for creating a module that consists of many directories
# spread out over the entire source repository.

# Please keep the list below and the alias in sync - arjun

# single package stuff
# dotlrn
# dotlrn-syllabus
# new-portal
# profile-provider
# user-profile
# # dotlrn + portlet pairs
# bm-portlet
# dotlrn-bm
# calendar-portlet
# dotlrn-calendar
# dotlrn-portlet
# dotlrn-dotlrn
# faq-portlet
# dotlrn-faq
# forums-portlet
# dotlrn-forums
# fs-portlet
# dotlrn-fs
# news-portlet
# dotlrn-news
# research-portlet - removed from modules list (aug 29)
# dotlrn-research - removed from modules list (aug 29)
# static-portlet
# dotlrn-static

# stuff not in dotlrn-core alias

# dotlrndoc

# the dotlrn-core alias
dotlrn-core -a dotlrn dotlrn-syllabus new-portal profile-provider user-profile bm-portlet dotlrn-bm calendar-portlet dotlrn-calendar dotlrn-portlet dotlrn-dotlrn faq-portlet dotlrn-faq forums-portlet dotlrn-forums fs-portlet dotlrn-fs news-portlet dotlrn-news static-portlet dotlrn-static dotlrn-homework survey-portlet dotlrn-survey curriculum-portlet dotlrn-curriculum dotlrn-weblogger dotlrn-news-aggregator

# the dotlrn-all alias
dotlrn-all -a bboard-portlet bm-portlet calendar-portlet curriculum-portlet dotlrn dotlrn-bboard dotlrn-bm dotlrn-calendar dotlrn-curriculum dotlrn-dotlrn dotlrn-faq dotlrn-forums dotlrn-fs dotlrn-homework dotlrn-news dotlrn-news-aggregator dotlrn-portlet dotlrn-recruiting dotlrn-research dotlrn-static dotlrn-survey dotlrn-syllabus dotlrn-weblogger dotlrn-wps dotlrndoc faq-portlet forums-portlet fs-portlet new-portal news-portlet profile-provider recruiting recruiting-portlet research-portlet sloan-bboard static-portlet survey-portlet user-profile wps-portlet dotlrn-photo-album photo-album-portlet