Cambridge, MA: Thursday, May 11, 2000

Your Workspace : Events Administration : Activities : Activity : Event
Creator Bootcamp Admin
Location Cambridge, MA
Confirmation Message You have been accepted into the 3-week bootcamp starting May 8th in the ArsDigita headquarters in Cambridge bootcamp. Please show up between 9 and 10 on the first Monday of bootcamp. Reference books and most other materials will be provided. Still got questions? Send mail to
Start Time 2000-05-11 09:00
End Time 2000-05-26 18:00
Registration Deadline 2000-05-11 08:59
Maximum Capacity 28
Registration Cancellable? yes
Registration Needs Approval? yes
Event Contact Person
Availability Status Current   (toggle)

Custom Fields

You may define custom fields that you would like to collect from registrants.

  • app_letter (Application Letter), varchar2(4000) (text)
insert after | swap with next | delete ]
  • resume (Resume), clob (text)
insert after | delete ]


Agenda Files

Event User Group

You may manage the user group for this event.

Event Notes

Refreshments Note

Audio/Visual Note

Additional Note