@form_vars;noquote@ @dc_export;noquote@
Enter a presentation name for this question:
Enter this question as it should appear on input forms:
Is this question mandatory for the creation of an object of this type?
Which state should this question and its answers be in?
Should this question appear on the first input form?
In which order should linked objects be displayed?
Refers to which question?
Default value:

Evaluation of current default value: @date_correct_output@
Warning: The current default value is invalid and causes a SQL error!
(Please enter SQL code that can replace the x in select x from dual.
Examples: sysdate = the current date; sysdate+14 = 2 weeks in the future;
trunc(sysdate,'month') = the start of the current month)
Copy Default Values from linked object:
Maximum Number of selectable Categories:
Should this category question be browseable?
Select an abstract data type for this question:
Note -- linking questions are not allowed to be asked first.

You can make this question the short description, the long description or the link list for @pretty_plural@.

You can make this question the short description or the long description for @pretty_plural@.

You can make this question the public visibility date, or the object start date or the object end date for @pretty_plural@.

Note: This question is the object type's short description (or name).

Note: This question is part of the object type's short description (or name).

Note: This question is the object type's long description (or overview).

Note: This question is the object type's link list."

Note: This question is the object type's public until date.

Note: This question is the object type's start date.

Note: This question is the object type's end date.

Note: Since other branch questions depend on this question, changing the question state may make these questions inaccessible. Please check the