<%= [wp_help_header "Authorization"] %> In WimpyPoint, users can have one of three levels of access to a presentation: <ul> <li><b>View-only</b> - these users can view the presentation but can't make changes to it. If the presentation is public, all users can automatically view the presentaiton. <li><b>Collaborator</b> - these users can view and make changes to the presentation (e.g., edit and delete slides, change the presentation's title, etc.). They can't delete the presentation or freeze the slide set, however. <li><b>Owner</b> - these users can do whatever they want to the presentation (view or make changes to it, delete the entire presentation, freeze the slide set, etc.). Owners can also give other users permission to view the presentation, or to make other users collaborators or owners. </ul> This page allows you to grant users permission to view, collaborate on, or own the presentation. It displays a box for each of these privileges (omitting the view-only box if the presentation is public). To invite a person to view, collaborate on, or own the presentation, click the <i>Add One</i> button in one of the boxes. (Note that you can even add a person who hasn't registered with <%= [ad_system_name] %>.) You'll have the option to send the person whom you invite an E-mail containing a link which he or she can use to go directly to the presentation. <%=[wp_footer]%>