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The neighbourhoods page lets you browse through neighbourhoods. You can join a neighbourhood by clicking on the [join] button besides a neighbourhood's entry in the list. Similarly, the [members] button lets you view all the members of a neighbourhood. As a normal user, you cannot create, modify, delete, move, or rename neighbourhoods. An attempt at doing so will result only in a meaningless error message such as "Insufficient permission to perform requested database access in AddNeighborhood". The neighbourhoods page is located at /homepage/neighbourhoods.tcl. Alternatively, there is a link to it from your workspace.
2 Neighbourhoods Page for adminitrators
Administration of neighbourhoods is done at /homepage/neighbourhoods.tcl. This page will hereby be referred to as the "neighbourhoods page". If the homepage module is enabled in your system, a link should appear to the neighbourhoods page at your workspace. The neighbourhoods page is essentially for browsing through neighbourhoods, viewing their members or even joining a neighbourhood. Additionally, site wide administrators can create neighbourhoods by pressing the [create-neighborhood] button above the neighbourhoods listing; remove neighbourhoods by pressing the [remove] button besides a neighbourhoods name; change neighbourhood hierarchy by pressing the [move] button and moving neighbourhoods around; or change the name or description of a neighbourhood by pressing the [rename] button besides a neighbourhood name. Administrators should mind the five hundred letter maximum limit on neighbourhood names and a four thousand letter limit on neighbourhood descriptions.
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