% # module-form.adp -- an included file for module-edit.adp and module-add.adp # which shares the form between those two pages # # required arguments - the text for the "submit button" and the action # for the form if { [ns_adp_argc] != 3 } { ns_log error "wrong number of arguments passed to module-form.adp. The text for the submit button should be included, as well as the form action to send the data to." ns_adp_abort } ns_adp_bind_args submit_button_text form_action if { ![info exists source] } { set source "" } %> <%=[glassroom_form_action "$form_action"]%> <%= [export_form_vars module_id] %>
Module Name: | > |
Who Installed It: | <% if { ![info exists who_installed_it] } { set whom "nobody" } else { set whom [database_to_tcl_string $db "select first_names || ' ' || last_name from users where user_id=$who_installed_it"] ns_puts [export_form_vars who_installed_it] } ns_puts "$whom" %> |
Who Owns It: | <% if { ![info exists who_owns_it] } { set whom "nobody" } else { set whom [database_to_tcl_string $db "select first_names || ' ' || last_name from users where user_id=$who_owns_it"] ns_puts [export_form_vars who_owns_it] } ns_puts "$whom" %> |
Module Source: | |
Current Version: | > |
<%=[glassroom_submit_button $submit_button_text]%>