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part of the <a href="index.html">ArsDigita Community System</a>
by <a href="http://eveander.com/">Eve Andersson</a>


<li>all scripts: <a href="/tools/">/tools/</a>
<li>data model: <a href="/doc/sql/tools.sql">/doc/sql/tools.sql</a>

<h3>The Big Idea</h3>

Tools are collections of scripts used by other scripts in the ACS
to perform common tasks such as spell checking.

<h3>The Tools</h3>


<b><li>Spell Checker</b>





webspell is a shell script wrapper to ispell, necessary because ispell
requires the HOME environment variable to be set, and setting
env(HOME) doesn't seem to work from AOLserver Tcl. It takes two
arguments, a filename to be spell checked and a dictionary file of
extra words, one word per line.
The file <code>ispell-words</code> is such a dictionary file. The table
<code>ispell_words</code> contains the same information as <code>ispell-words</code>, and is
kept to make the editing of <code>ispell-words</code> easy. Any additions or
deletions are made to the table, then the entire file is regenerated
from the table.


One table:

create table ispell_words (
    ispell_word    varchar(100) primary key

To use:

Say you have a form as follows, and you want the <code>email_body</code> to be spellchecked when the user pushes Submit:

&lt;form method=post action="email-send.tcl"&gt;

&lt;input type=text name="email_to" size=30&gt;
&lt;input type=text name="email_subject" size=40&gt;
&lt;textarea name="email_body" rows=10 cols=50&gt;&lt;/textarea&gt;
&lt;input type=submit value="Send"&gt;



Change the action to <code>/tools/spell.tcl</code> and specify the 
<code>var_to_spellcheck</code> and <code>target_url</code> as follows:

&lt;form method=post action="/tools/spell.tcl"&gt;

&lt;input type=hidden name="var_to_spellcheck" value="email_body"&gt;
&lt;input type=hidden name="target_url" value="/fullpath/email-send.tcl"&gt;

&lt;input type=text name="email_to" size=30&gt;
&lt;input type=text name="email_subject" size=40&gt;
&lt;textarea name="email_body" rows=10 cols=50&gt;&lt;/textarea&gt;
&lt;input type=submit value="Send"&gt;



The user will have the chance to correct any misspellings and then
they'll be redirected, with all form variables intact, to the


Make sure that all scripts are executable and that the UNIX utility
<code>ispell</code> is in <code>/usr/local/bin/</code>.  Also, the file
<code>ispell-words</code> should contain the same words as the table
<code>ispell_words</code> (it's fine if they both start out empty).


The lovely spell checker was written by Jin Choi (<a href="mailto:jsc@arsdigita.com">jsc@arsdigita.com</a>) with some finishing touches by Eve Andersson 
(<a href="eveander@arsdigita.com">eveander@arsdigita.com</a>).


<a href="http://eveander.com/"><address>eveander@arsdigita.com</address></a>