<html> <!--AD_DND--> <head> <title>Server Clustering</title> </head> <body bgcolor=white> <h2>Server Clustering</h2> part of the <a href="">ArsDigita Community System</a> by by <a href="jsalz@mit.edu">Jon Salz</a> <hr> <ul> <li>Tcl: /tcl/ad-server-cluster.tcl </ul> <h2>The Problem</h2> Many heavily-hit sites sit behind load balancers, which means that requests to a particular site can be handled by one of several machine conspiring to appear as a single server. For instance, requests to <tt>www.foobar.com</tt> might be routed to either <tt>www1.foobar.com</tt>, <tt>www2.foobar.com</tt>, or <tt>www3.foobar.com</tt>, three physically separate servers which share an Oracle tablespace (and hence all the data in ACS). <p>Many database queries are memoized in individual servers' local memory (using the <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=util_memoize">util_memoize</a></tt> procedures) to minimize fetches from the database. When a server updates an item in the database, the old item needs to be removed from the server's local cache (using <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=util_memoize_flush">util_memoize_flush</a></tt>) to force a database query the next time this item is accessed. But what happens when: <ul> <li><tt>www1.foobar.com</tt> does <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=util_memoize">util_memoize</a> "get_greeble_info 43"</tt> (incurring an actual database lookup, <tt>SELECT * FROM greeble WHERE greeble_id = 43</tt>, and caching the result) <li><tt>www2.foobar.com</tt> does <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=util_memoize">util_memoize</a> "get_greeble_info 43"</tt> (incurring a database lookup and caching the result) <li><tt>www1.foobar.com</tt> <tt>UPDATE</tt>s the info for greeble #43 and does <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=util_memoize_flush">util_memoize_flush</a> "get_greeble_info 43"</tt> <li><tt>www2.foobar.com</tt> does <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=util_memoize">util_memoize</a> "get_greeble_info 43"</tt> (returned a cached value). The old info for greeble #43 hasn't been flushed from its local cache, so the result is outdated! </ul> In general, if any of several servers can update an item, the old version of the item can remain in other servers' local caches. <a href="http://www.mshonline.com/how/homer/doh.wav">Doh!</a> <h2>The Solution</h2> We introduce the concept of a <i>server cluster</i>, a group of look-alike servers sharing an Oracle tablespace. To set up a cluster, add the following to the ACS <tt>parameters/yourservername.ini</tt> file on each of the servers in the cluster: <blockquote><pre>; address information for a cluster of load-balanced servers (to enable ; distributed util_memoize_flushing, for instance). One entry per ; server; this machine's IP may be included as well [ns/server/click/acs/server-cluster] ; is www1.foobar.com ClusterMachine= ; is www2.foobar.com ClusterMachine= ; is www3.foobar.com ClusterMachine=</pre></blockquote> Now when a server (say, <tt>www1.foobar.com</tt>) invokes <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=util_memoize_flush">util_memoize_flush</a></tt> or <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=util_memoize_seed">util_memoize_seed</a></tt>, those routines use <tt><a href="/doc/proc-one.tcl?proc_name=server_cluster_httpget_from_peers">server_cluster_httpget_from_peers</a></tt> to issue an HTTP GET request to all machines in the cluster (omitting the local server): <ul> <li><tt>GET http://www2.foobar.com/SYSTEM/flush-memoized-statement.tcl?statement=<i>tcl-statement</i></tt> <li><tt>GET http://www3.foobar.com/SYSTEM/flush-memoized-statement.tcl?statement=<i>tcl-statement</i></tt> </ul> causing the other machines (<tt>www2.foobar.com</tt> and <tt>www3.foobar.com</tt>) to flush the Tcl statement from their local caches. This is transparent and works with all existing code. <p>So don't think about it - just set up the <tt>server-cluster</tt> block in your <tt>yourservername.ini</tt> file, and <tt>util_memoize</tt> and friends will be <a href="http://www.mshonline.com/how/homer/woohoo.wav">happy</a>. <hr> <a href="mailto:jsalz@mit.edu"><address>jsalz@mit.edu</address></a> </body> </html>