Project Tracker

part of the ArsDigita Community System by Tracy Adams

The Big Picture

Corporations need a way of organizing their people, projects, and time.

The Medium Size Picture

Vital company knowledge lies in answers to the following questions.

Core Components

The Project Tracker runs as part of the dedicated ArsDigita Community System for your intranet. Components of the Project Tracker are employees, customers, and projects.


Employees or key members of the company are users of the ArsDigita Community System. Detailed contact information is stored for users to provide a company directory.

A "current information note" is used as a quick reference for employees' temporary contact information and other special items. Users are reminded to maintain their current information note in their workspace.

Email notifications remind users to keep their contact and current information note up to date.


Typical projects are

The project_tracker_projects table stores the main project information.
create sequence project_tracker_projects_id_seq;
create table project_tracker_projects (
        project_id       integer not null primary key,
	creator_user_id  integer references users,
	creation_date    date,
	name            varchar(200),
	--- the url of the staff server for this service, if applicable
	glassroom_url   varchar(100),
	start_date      date,
	end_date        date,
	-- if this project is for a customer, which one
	customer_id     integer references project_tracker_customers,
	--- purpose is sales, operations, customer
        purpose         varchar(100),
	--- major considerations for this project
	notes           varchar(4000),
Employees of the company are assigned to projects.
create table project_tracker_assignments (
       user_id          integer references users,
       project_id	integer references project_tracker_projects,
       creator_user_id  integer references users,
       creation_date    date,
       -- what the user does for this project
       role             varchar(4000),
       unique(project_id, user_id)
Each project has major deadlines. Example deadlines are "initial launch", "site upgrade", or "progress checkpoint".
create sequence project_tracker_deadline_id_seq;
create table project_tracker_deadlines (
    deadline_id      integer primary key,
    creator_user_id  integer references users,
    creation_date    date,
    name             varchar(200),
    start_date       date,
    due_date         date,
    description      varchar(4000),
    status_note      varchar(4000)
User's record time spent on each project or deadline.
create table project_tracker_hours (
     user_id           integer not null references users,
     project_id        integer not null references project_tracker_hours,
     deadline_id       integer reference project_tracker_deadlines,
     notes             varchar(4000),
     -- start_time and finish_time include date and time
     -- If total_hours is blank, we will assume that the
     -- user precisely enter the times and will calculate total_hours
     -- If total_hours is not blank, we will assume that start_time
     -- and end_time represent "general timeframes" and not try
     -- to recalculate total_hours
     start_time	       date,             
     finish_time       date,
     total_hours       number(5,2),
     -- billing rate is in dollars
     billing_rate      number(5,2) 


We store potential, current, and past customers.
create sequence project_tracker_customer_id_seq;
create table project_tracker_customers (
     customer_id      integer primary key,  
     creator_user_id  integer references users,
     creation_date    date
     name             varchar(200),
     -- we are not going to bother storing a ton
     -- of structure information
     -- To store individual contact records, use the contact-manager
     contact_info    varchar(4000),
     -- potential, current, past
     status         varchar(100),
     notes          varchar(4000)