<title>Glossary System</title>

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part of the <a href="index.html">ArsDigita Community System</a>
by <a href="mailto:jsc@arsdigita.com">Jin Choi</a> 
and <a href="mailto:rgvdh@arsdigita.com/">Robert van der Heide</a>


<li> User-accessible directory: <a href="/glossary/">/glossary/</a>
<li> Administration directory: <a href="/admin/glossary/">
/admin/glossary/</a> (must use https://)
<li> data model: <a href="/doc/sql/glossary.sql">/doc/sql/glossary.sql</a>

<h3> The Big Idea </h3>

Your site content may use technical, specialized or unfamiliar terminology.  
You can create an on-site dictionary for users to refer to when they run into 
a term they don't know.<p>

<h3> Parameters</h3>
By editing the glossary section of your site's .ini file, you can control 
how terms are added to your glossary.
If you want site staff to have total responsibility for adding and controlling
all glossary content, set <code>ApprovalPolicy=closed</code>.
<li>If you want to let users suggest terms, but keep control over what the 
final result looks like, set  <code>ApprovalPolicy=wait</code>.  Only site 
staff can edit the suggested definitions, 
and only site staff can make them visible on the 
<li>If you want to let users freely add and maintain entries, 
set  <code>ApprovalPolicy=open</code>.  When a users adds a term it will 
immediately show up on your site.  Users can edit definitions they entered
themselves, and site staff can still edit the entire glossary.
<a href="mailto:rgvdh@arsdigita.com"><address>rgvdh@arsdigita.com</address></a>