<html> <!--AD_DND--> <head> <title>Glossary System</title> </head> <body bgcolor=#ffffff text=#000000> <h2>Glossary</h2> part of the <a href="index.html">ArsDigita Community System</a> by <a href="mailto:jsc@arsdigita.com">Jin Choi</a> and <a href="mailto:rgvdh@arsdigita.com/">Robert van der Heide</a> <hr> <ul> <li> User-accessible directory: <a href="/glossary/">/glossary/</a> <li> Administration directory: <a href="/admin/glossary/"> /admin/glossary/</a> (must use https://) <li> data model: <a href="/doc/sql/glossary.sql">/doc/sql/glossary.sql</a> </ul> <h3> The Big Idea </h3> Your site content may use technical, specialized or unfamiliar terminology. You can create an on-site dictionary for users to refer to when they run into a term they don't know.<p> <h3> Parameters</h3> By editing the glossary section of your site's .ini file, you can control how terms are added to your glossary. <ul><li> If you want site staff to have total responsibility for adding and controlling all glossary content, set <code>ApprovalPolicy=closed</code>. <li>If you want to let users suggest terms, but keep control over what the final result looks like, set <code>ApprovalPolicy=wait</code>. Only site staff can edit the suggested definitions, and only site staff can make them visible on the site. <li>If you want to let users freely add and maintain entries, set <code>ApprovalPolicy=open</code>. When a users adds a term it will immediately show up on your site. Users can edit definitions they entered themselves, and site staff can still edit the entire glossary. </ul> <hr> <a href="mailto:rgvdh@arsdigita.com"><address>rgvdh@arsdigita.com</address></a> </body> </html>