OACS 3.x -> 4 Bboard Migration scripts.
These scripts will transfer the entire contents of a 3.x bboard
into a 4.x forums package instance. The first script will also
minimally transfer users (just name-email-password), and is smart
enough to not overwrite or duplicate users already registered on the
new site. (A full user-migration script would be handy -- any volunteers?)
They have been moderately tested, and I know Don has been using them to
test (and fix!) 4.x forum performance issues. They were done mainly
for internal use, however, and thus the output is not, er, polished.
Some notes:
- The scripts can be run repeatedly to update already-migrated
boards. They avoid duplication by keeping track of their work in
tables, so there is some sql to be loaded
before running them.
- They assume they are being run under OACS4, with one pool named
"acs32" pointing at the 3.x DB. This pool also has to be excluded
from use by 4.x, see
this thread
- They put all messages into a single forums instance, currently
through a hardcoded package_id.
- They don't write out progress along the way, but they do
everything inside a db_transaction and if there's an error, they'll
tell you how far they got, without actually commiting the changes.
They provide two forms of output: first, in the order performed, then
sorted by the action taken (i.e. whether or not they're already mgirated)
- Logically, they have to be run in the order listed (users, forums,
categories, messages, subscriptions)
- Remaining work: i didn't spend the time to write the code
that would reliably regsub for bboard links inside the messages
themselves. It's pretty neccessary, but could also be done ex post
And here are all the files: