Edit Presentation

Edit Presentation


Give this presentation a title. Pick a title that you've never used before, otherwise you won't be able to tell this new presentation from old ones. Also, keep the title reasonably short so that if you choose a style where the overall presentation title is presented on each slide, it won't take up too much space.
If you want a signature at the bottom of each slide, then enter it here:
Page Signature:
(Personally, I like to have my email address, hyperlinked to my home page; remember that HTML is OK here and you can have up to 200 characters.)

If you want a copyright notice somewhere on each slide, enter it here:

Copyright Notice:
WimpyPoint keeps track of the last modification time of each slide. If you'd like that displayed on each slide, you can say so here:
Show Modification Date? Yes No Yes No
If you want to hide this presentation from everyone except yourself and any collaborators that you add, you should say so. Eventually you'll probably want to change this and make the presentation public, unless you are only using WimpyPoint to generate .html pages and/or hardcopy slides that you will show privately.
Available to Public? Yes No Yes No
Suggestion: if you have truly secret information for a presentation, you'd be best off keeping it on your desktop machine. We try to keep our database secure but remember that your packets are being sent in the clear.

Want to make your presentation pretty? Select a style to give your presentation some pizzazz. If you select "I'll provide my own," once you submit this form you'll be given the opportunity to create a style, selecting your own color scheme, background image, etc. (You can access your personal style repository by clicking the link entitled Edit one of your styles from WimpyPoint's main page.)


Finally, if you're planning on making the presentation public, you might want to let the world know whom you gave the presentation to and for what purpose.

