oracle8.1.6 select tt.ticket_id, tt.severity, ttracker_option.option_name(:package_id, 'severity', tt.severity) as pretty_severity, tt.priority, ttracker_option.option_name(:package_id, 'priority', tt.priority) as pretty_priority, tt.subject, to_char(tt.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as created, tc.category_id, as category, tt.creation_user as creator_id, as creator_name, wc.state, :user_id as assignee_id, 'me' as assignee_name $view_select from ttracker_categories tc, ttracker_tickets tt, wf_cases wc $view_from where tc.package_id = :package_id and tt.category_id = tc.category_id and wc.object_id = tt.ticket_id and exists (select wt.task_id from wf_task_assignments wta, wf_tasks wt, party_approved_member_map m where wt.transition_key = 'resolve' and wt.task_id = wta.task_id and wta.party_id = m.party_id and m.member_id = :user_id and wt.case_id = wc.case_id and wt.task_id = (select max(wt1.task_id) from wf_tasks wt1 where wt1.case_id = wc.case_id and wt1.transition_key = 'resolve')) $view_where [ad_dimensional_sql $dimensional] [ad_order_by_from_sort_spec $orderby $table_def] select tt.ticket_id, tt.severity, ttracker_option.option_name(:package_id, 'severity', tt.severity) as pretty_severity, tt.priority, ttracker_option.option_name(:package_id, 'priority', tt.priority) as pretty_priority, tt.subject, to_char(tt.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as created, tc.category_id, as category, tt.creation_user as creator_id, as creator_name, wc.state, 0 as assignee_id, '' as assignee_name $view_select from ttracker_categories tc, ttracker_tickets tt, wf_cases wc $view_from where tc.package_id = :package_id and tt.category_id = tc.category_id and wc.object_id = tt.ticket_id and not exists (select wta1.task_id from wf_task_assignments wta1 where wta1.task_id = (select max(wt.task_id) from wf_tasks wt where wt.case_id = wc.case_id and wt.transition_key = 'resolve')) $view_where [ad_dimensional_sql $dimensional] [ad_order_by_from_sort_spec $orderby $table_def]" select results.* from (select tt.ticket_id, tt.severity, ttracker_option.option_name(:package_id, 'severity', tt.severity) as pretty_severity, tt.priority, ttracker_option.option_name(:package_id, 'priority', tt.priority) as pretty_priority, tt.subject, to_char(tt.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as created, tc.category_id, as category, tt.creation_user as creator_id, as creator_name, wc.state, wta.party_id as assignee_id, as assignee_name $view_select from ttracker_categories tc, ttracker_tickets tt, wf_cases wc, wf_task_assignments wta $view_from where tc.package_id = :package_id and tt.category_id = tc.category_id and wc.object_id = tt.ticket_id and wta.task_id = (select max(wt.task_id) from wf_tasks wt where wt.case_id = wc.case_id and wt.transition_key = 'resolve') $view_where [ad_dimensional_sql $dimensional] union all select tt.ticket_id, tt.severity, ttracker_option.option_name(:package_id, 'severity', tt.severity) as pretty_severity, tt.priority, ttracker_option.option_name(:package_id, 'priority', tt.priority) as pretty_priority, tt.subject, to_char(tt.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI') as created, tc.category_id, as category, tt.creation_user as creator_id, as creator_name, wc.state, 0 as assignee_id, '' as assignee_name $view_select from ttracker_categories tc, ttracker_tickets tt, wf_cases wc $view_from where tc.package_id = :package_id and tt.category_id = tc.category_id and wc.object_id = tt.ticket_id and not exists (select wta1.task_id from wf_task_assignments wta1 where wta1.task_id = (select max(wt.task_id) from wf_tasks wt where wt.case_id = wc.case_id and wt.transition_key = 'resolve')) $view_where [ad_dimensional_sql $dimensional]) results [ad_order_by_from_sort_spec $orderby $table_def] tt.creation_date + 1 > sysdate tt.creation_date + 7 > sysdate tt.creation_date + 30 > sysdate and cr.revision_id = content_item.get_live_revision(tt.ticket_id)