<title> SWS Documents 
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<h2> Site Wide Search Documents </h2>
by <a href="khy@arsdigita.com">Khy Huang</a>

<h3> To install/upgrade/remove package, please read the sws-install.sql under the sql directory </h3>
<b>Documents: </b><br>
   <li> <a href=requirements> Sie Wide Search (Req) </a>
   <li> <a href=design> Site Wide Search (Design) </a>
   <li> <a href=how-to> How To Add Content for Site Wide Search</a>

<h3>Release Notes for SWS 4.0.1 (02/09/2001) </h3>
<b>New & Bug fixes</b>4
<li> Upgraded content-revision type support. Applications registers the 
'cr_revision_in_package_id' attribute with pot_service. The attribute specifies 
a function that returns the package id for a revision.  The function should 
return the package instance that is referencing the revision. Note:
the function should check for a specific application's instance, not other 
application instance. (i.e. file-storage application has a function 
fs_cr_revision_content that takes one parameter, revision_id, and returns the 
file-storage package instance that references the revision_id (if any)) </li>
<li> Removed all package dynamic sql, instead used native dynamic sql for 
performance and readability issues. </li> 
<li> Add search support for additional packages:
     <li> <i>news</i> - Add support for news article. Run the news-sws.sql.</li>
     <li> <i>bboard</i> - Add support for bboard postings. Run bboard.sql and 
           put search-redirect.tcl (under site-wide-search/www dir) in the 
           bboard directory.   </li>
     <li> <i>file-storage</i> - Add support for file-storage files. Run 
             file-storage-sws.sql. </li>
     </ol> </li>
<li> Installation: Modify population of acs_content and sws_search_contents 
tables. Instead of looping through rows using cursors, it uses insert-select 
<li> Internationalization: In im_convert function, modify the 'char' variable to 
use 2 varchar size to support character sets that take up two bytes.</li>
<b> Known Issues </b>
    <li> Internationalization characters are not searchable yet. Working on it. </li>
    <li> Performance tunning needed for large traffic sites </li>