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<h2> MP3-Jukebox </h2>
by <a href=mailto:jennie@ybos.net>Jennie Kim Housman</a>

<h3>Document Overview </h3>

<a href="requirements">Requirements</a>
<a href="design">Design</a>

<h3>Release Notes </h3>
The current release version is 1.0.

Currently, site-wide administrators are given full permission for any function in the mp3-jukebox package.  Users may view, vote, and download available playlists of mp3s.  Only site-wide administrators can manipulate playlists and mp3s.

<h3>Installation Guide</h3>
After downloading this package and mounting it on the site-map, the administrator needs to do a few things before the package will work:

<li> If you don't have it already, install the perl CPAN module; "MPEG::MP3Info" (as root):
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
<u>cpan>&nbsp;</u>install MPEG::MP3Info
<li> Create a staging directory for your MP3s. This directory should be world writeable. Users will place MP3s here to be scanned. We usually call it '/var/shared/mp3s'.
<li> Create a final destination for your MP3s. Only nsadmin needs to be able to read / write here. This creates a semi-clean directory where the MP3s are kept, separate from the craziness of a world writeable directory. We usually place it in the servers hierarchy, but NOT in the package's directory. Currently, our final destination directory is '/web/servername/mp3_files'.
<li> Edit the parameters for your application, and set 'MP3StagingLocation' to your staging directory's location.
<li> Change MP3FileLocation to the final destination directory.
<li> Place some MP3s in the staging directory.
<li> Run the scanner from the admin directory.
<li> Enjoy!

<a href="mailto:jennie@ybos.net">Jennie Housman</a>