  <property name="title">@title@</property>

  <table width="100%">
        <td align="right">[ <a href="/doc/@package_key@/">help</a> ]</td>


  <p><a href="/admin/site-map/parameter-set?package_id=@package_id@">Set package parameters</a></p>

  <h4>RDF log files</h4>

  <p>The following RDF log files are available in the RDF
    directory (<code>@rdf_dir@</code>).</p>
  <p>Use <i>View</i> to visit the current ETP page of the log. Follow the <i>Update</i> link to re-apply
    the XSL transformation to the RDF log(s).</p>

  <p>The log has no Update link if the RDF log is not writable by the
    owner of this AOLserver process.</p>

      <multiple name="rdf_logs">
            <if @rdf_logs.view_href@ not nil>
              <a href="@rdf_logs.view_href@" title="View the current ETP page of the log">View</a>&nbsp;
              <if @rdf_logs.update_href@ not nil>
            <if @rdf_logs.update_href@ not nil>
              <a href="@rdf_logs.update_href@" title="Re-apply the XSL transformation to the RDF log(s)">Update</a>&nbsp;
            <if @updated@ eq @rdf_logs.date@>
              &nbsp;<font color="green"><i>Updated</i></font>