postgresql7.1 select content_workflow__reject( :task_id, :user_id, :ip_address, :transition_key, :msg ); select content_workflow__can_reject( :task_id, :user_id ) select c.object_id, content_item__get_title(c.object_id,'f') as title, tr.transition_name from wf_tasks tk, wf_cases c, wf_transitions tr where tk.task_id = :task_id and tk.transition_key = tr.transition_key and tk.workflow_key = tr.workflow_key and tk.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and tk.case_id = c.case_id and content_workflow__can_reject( tk.task_id, :user_id ) = 't' select trans.transition_name, trans.transition_key from wf_places src, wf_places dest, wf_tasks t, wf_transitions trans where src.workflow_key = dest.workflow_key and src.workflow_key = 'publishing_wf' and src.workflow_key = trans.workflow_key and src.place_key = content_workflow__get_this_place( t.transition_key ) and -- for the publishing_wf, past transitions have a lower sort order dest.sort_order < src.sort_order and -- get the transition associated with that place content_workflow__get_this_place( trans.transition_key ) = dest.place_key and t.task_id = :task_id order by dest.sort_order desc